# Opencensus.Plug

[![Inline docs](](

[Plug][plug] integration for [OpenCensus][oc]. It provides tracer and metrics

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `opencensus_plug` to your list
of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:opencensus_plug, "~> 0.1.0"}

The docs can be found at [\_plug](

## Usage

### Tracing

Create tracing module:

defmodule MyApp.TracePlug do
  use Opencensus.Plug.Trace

And then add it on the beginning of your pipeline (the sooner the better):

plug MyApp.TracePlug

This will extract parent trace from the headers accordingly
to [Tracing Context]( proposal and it will
create new span. By default span name will match request path, you can configure
that by defining `span_name/2` method that will receive `Plug.Conn.t` as a first
argument and plug options as a second.

### Metrics

Create metrics module:

defmodule MyApp.MetricsPlug do
  use Opencensus.Plug.Metrics

And then add it on the beginning of your pipeline (the sooner the better):

plug MyApp.MetricsPlug

You also need to define metrics that will be measured, fortunately there is
helper method for you, just call `MyApp.MetricsPlug.setup_metrics()` **before**
running pipeline.

Available metrics:

- `"plug/requests/duration"` - request duration in microseconds
- `"plug/requests/count"` - requests count

**WARNING!** This defines only metrics, not views. You need to define views on
your own to be able to see them in the exporters.

## License

