# OpenFeature Gleam SDK

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[OpenFeature]( is an open specification that provides a vendor-agnostic, community-driven API for feature flagging that works with your favorite feature flag management tool.

This repository contains the unofficial SDK implementation of the [specification]( for the [Gleam]( programming language.

## 🚀 Quick start

### Requirements

- Gleam [1+](

### Install

gleam add openfeature

### Usage

import gleam/bool
import gleam/dict
import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/io
import gleam/option.{None}
import openfeature/api as openfeature
import openfeature/client
import openfeature/evaluation.{type ResolutionDetails}
import openfeature/evaluation_context
import openfeature/providers/in_memory

pub fn main() {
  // flags defined in memory
  let v2_flag =
      default_variant: "off",
      variants: dict.from_list([
        #("off", dynamic.from(False)),
        #("on", dynamic.from(True)),
      context_evaluator: None,
  let flags = dict.from_list([#("v2_enabled", v2_flag)])

  // configure a provider
  let _ = openfeature.set_provider(in_memory.provider(flags))

  // get a bool flag value
  let flag_value =
    |> client.get_bool_value("v2_enabled", False, evaluation_context.empty())

  // use the returned flag value
  io.println("`v2_enabled` evaluated to: " <> bool.to_string(flag_value))

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## 🌟 Features

| Status | Features                        | Description                                                                                                                        |
| ------ | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ✅      | [Providers](#providers)         | Integrate with a commercial, open source, or in-house feature management tool.                                                     |
| ✅      | [Targeting](#targeting)         | Contextually-aware flag evaluation using [evaluation context]( |
| ❌      | [Hooks](#hooks)                 | Add functionality to various stages of the flag evaluation life-cycle.                                                             |
| ❌      | [Logging](#logging)             | Integrate with popular logging packages.                                                                                           |
| ✅      | [Domains](#domains)             | Logically bind clients with providers.                                                                                             |
| ❌      | [Eventing](#eventing)           | React to state changes in the provider or flag management system.                                                                  |
| ✅      | [Shutdown](#shutdown)           | Gracefully clean up a provider during application shutdown.                                                                        |
| ⚠️      | [Extending](#extending)         | Extend OpenFeature with custom providers and hooks.                                                                                |

<sub>Implemented: ✅ | In-progress: ⚠️ | Not implemented yet: ❌</sub>

### Providers

[Providers]( are an abstraction between a flag management system and the OpenFeature SDK. Look [here]( for a complete list of available providers. If the provider you're looking for hasn't been created yet, see the [develop a provider](#develop-a-provider) section to learn how to build it yourself.

Once you've added a provider as a dependency, it can be registered with OpenFeature like this:

import openfeature/api as openfeature


In some situations, it may be beneficial to register multiple providers in the same application. This is possible using [domains](#domains), which is covered in more details below.

### Targeting

Sometimes, the value of a flag must consider some dynamic criteria about the application or user, such as the user's location, IP, email address, or the server's location. In OpenFeature, we refer to this as [targeting]( If the flag management system you're using supports targeting, you can provide the input data using the [evaluation context](

import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/option.{None}
import openfeature/api as openfeature
import openfeature/client
import openfeature/evaluation_context.{EvaluationContext}

// set the global evaluation context
    #("region", dynamic.from("us-east-1-iah-1a")),

// set the client evaluation context
let my_app_client =
  |> client.set_context(
      #("version",  dynamic.from("1.4.6")),

// set the invocation context
    [#("company", dynamic.from("Wise"))]

### Hooks


### Logging


### Domains

Clients can be assigned to a domain. A domain is a logical identifier which can be used to associate clients with a particular provider. If a domain has no associated provider, the default provider is used.

import openfeature/api as openfeature

// registering the default provider
// registering a domain provider
openfeature.set_domain_provider("cached-domain", cached_provider())

// a client bound to the default provider
// a client bound to the cached provider

### Eventing


### Shutdown

The OpenFeature API provides a close function to perform a cleanup of all registered providers. This should only be called when your application is in the process of shutting down.

import openfeature/api as openfeature


## Extending

### Develop a provider


### Develop a hook