# Openmaize [![Build Status](]( [![Deps Status](](

Authentication library for Plug-based applications in Elixir

Openmaize is an authentication library that aims to be:

* secure
* lightweight
* easy to use
* well documented

It should work with any application that uses Plug, but it has only been
tested with the Phoenix Web Framework.

## Installation

1. Add openmaize to your `mix.exs` dependencies

    defp deps do
      [{:openmaize, "~> 2.5"}]

2. List `:openmaize` as an application dependency

    def application do
      [applications: [:logger, :openmaize]]

3. Run `mix do deps.get, compile`

## Use

To set up user authorization in a new Phoenix app, run the following command:

    mix openmaize.gen.phoenixauth

See the [wiki](
for more details.

You then need to configure Openmaize. For more information, see the documentation
for the Openmaize.Config module.

There is an example of Openmaize being used with Phoenix at

## Migrating from Devise

After running the command `mix openmaize.gen.phoenixauth`, add the
following lines to the config file:

    config :openmaize,
      hash_name: :encrypted_password

You might also need to add `unique_id: :email` to the Openmaize.Login
call - see the documentation for Openmaize.Login for more details.

## Openmaize plugs

  * Authentication
    * Openmaize.Authenticate - plug to authenticate users, using sessions.
    * Openmaize.Login - plug to handle login POST requests.
    * Openmaize.OnetimePass - plug to handle one-time password POST requests.
    * Openmaize.Remember - plug to check for a `remember me` cookie.
  * Email confirmation and password resetting
    * Openmaize.ConfirmEmail - verify the token that was sent to the user by email.
    * Openmaize.ResetPassword - verify the token that was sent to the user by email,
    but this time so that the user's password can be reset.

See the relevant module documentation for more details.

### License