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# Openskill

Elixir implementation of Weng-Lin Rating, as described at

## Installation

Add `openskill` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:openskill, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

Ratings are kept as a tuple `{mu, sigma}` which represent a gaussian curve, where `mu` represents the _mean_, and `sigma` represents the spread or standard deviation. Create these with:

> a1 = Openskill.rating
{25, 8.333333333333334}
> a2 = Openskill.rating(32.444, 5.123)
{32.444, 5.123}
> b1 = Openskill.rating(43.381, 2.421)
{43.381, 2.421}
> b2 = Openskill.rating(25.188, 6.211)
{25.188, 6.211}

If `a1` and `a2` are on a team, and wins against a team of `b1` and `b2`, send this into `rank`

> [[a1, a2], [b1, b2]] = Openskill.rate([[a1, a2], [b1, b2]])
    {28.669648436582808, 8.071520788025197},
    {33.83086971107981, 5.062772998705765}
    {43.071274808241974, 2.4166900452721256},
    {23.149503312339064, 6.1378606973362135}

In more simplified matches with one team against another, the losing team's players' `mu` components should always go down, and up for the winning team's players. `sigma` components should always go down.

When displaying a rating, or sorting a list of ratings, you can use `ordinal`

> Openskill.ordinal({43.071274808241974, 2.4166900452721256})

By default, this returns `mu - 3*sigma`, showing a rating for which there's a 99.5% likelihood the player's true rating is higher, so with early games, a player's ordinal rating will usually go up and could go up even if that player loses.


- Support shuffled rankings, e.g. `Openskill.rank([[p1],[p2],[p3],[p4]], ranks: [1, 4, 2, 3])`.
- Support tied rankings, e.g. `Openskill.rank([[p1],[p2],[p3],[p4]], ranks: [1, 2, 2, 4])`
- Configurable alternate `gamma` to avoid ill-conditioning problems from large numbers of teams, as discussed in the paper.