# OpenStax Swift Ecto integration
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OpenStax Swift Ecto eases using [OpenStack Swift](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/api/object_api_v1_overview.html)
with Ecto models.
## Status
Project in the early stage of development. API may change without prior warning.
# Introduction
This module simplifies using OpenStax Swift storage with Ecto Models.
It exposes several functions that allow to easily upload/download files
that should be logically bound to certain record.
It automatically performs MIME type checks and ensures that uploaded
files have right MIME type in the storage.
By design, only one file per record is allowed.
If either `file_type` or `file_size`, `file_etag`, `file_name` fields will
be present in the model it will be automatically updated. Names of these
fields can be overriden by overriding `swift_file_size_field`,
`swift_file_type_field`, `swift_file_etag_field` and `swift_file_name_field`
functions. Override this to functions that return `nil` to disable that feature.
An example model that uses `OpenStax.Swift.Ecto.Model`:
defmodule MyApp.MyModel do
use Ecto.Model
use OpenStax.Swift.Ecto.Model
@required_fields ~w()
@optional_fields ~w(file_size file_type file_etag file_name)
schema "mymodel" do
field :file_size, :integer
field :file_type, :string
field :file_etag, :string
field :file_name, :string
def swift_endpoint_id(_record), do: :myendpoint
def swift_container(_record), do: :somecontainer
def swift_object_id(record), do: "something_" <> record.id
def changeset(model, params \\ :empty) do
|> cast(params, @required_fields, @optional_fields)
An example usage:
defmodule MyApp.MyLogic do
def attach_file_to_record(record_id, path) do
record = MyApp.Repo.get!(MyApp.MyModel, record_id)
case OpenStax.Swift.Ecto.Model.upload(MyApp.Repo, record, {:file, path}) do
{:ok, record} ->
IO.puts "OK " <> OpenStax.Swift.Ecto.Model.temp_url(record)
{:error, reason} ->
IO.puts "ERROR " <> inspect(reason)
# Authors
Marcin Lewandowski <marcin@saepia.net>
# License