# opentelemetry_exporter

The OpenTelemetry Protocol exporter for use with the [OpenTelemetry
Collector]( The
version of this Application does not track the supported version of the
OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP). The currently used version of the [OTLP protobufs
is v0.11.0](

Currently only supports the Tracer protocol using either GRPC or Protobuffers over HTTP1.1.

## Configuration

### Options to Batch Processor

Exporter configuration can be done as arguments to the batch processor in
the OpenTelemetry application environment.

For an Erlang release in `sys.config`:

``` erlang
        #{exporter => {opentelemetry_exporter, #{endpoints =>
            headers => [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}}}}]}]}

The default protocol is `http_protobuf`, to override this and use grpc add
`protocol` to the config map:

``` erlang
        #{exporter => {opentelemetry_exporter, #{protocol => grpc,
                                                 endpoints => ["http://localhost:9090"],
                                                 headers => [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}}}}]}]}

An Elixir release uses `releases.exs`:

``` elixir
config :opentelemetry, :processors,
  otel_batch_processor: %{
    exporter: {:opentelemetry_exporter, %{endpoints: ["http://localhost:9090"],
                                          headers: [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}}

### Application Environment

Alternatively the `opentelemetry_exporter` Application can be configured itself.
Available configuration keys:

- `otlp_endpoint`: The URL to send traces and metrics to, for traces the path `v1/traces` is appended to the path in the URL.
- `otlp_traces_endpoint`: URL to send only traces to. This takes precedence for exporting traces and the path of the URL is kept as is, no suffix is appended.
- `otlp_headers`: List of additional headers (`[{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}]`) to add to export requests.
- `otlp_traces_headers`: Additional headers (`[{unicode:chardata(),
  unicode:chardata()}]`) to add to only trace export requests.
- `otlp_protocol`: The transport protocol, supported values: `grpc` and `http_protobuf`. Defaults to `http_protobuf`.
- `otlp_traces_protocol`: The transport protocol to use for exporting traces, supported values: `grpc` and `http_protobuf`. Defaults to `http_protobuf`.
- `otlp_compression`: Compression type to use, supported values: `gzip`. Defaults to no compression.
- `otlp_traces_compression`: Compression type to use for exporting traces, supported values: `gzip`. Defaults to no compression.
``` erlang
  [{otlp_protocol, grpc},
   {otlp_compression, gzip},
   {otlp_endpoint, ""},
   {otlp_headers, [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}]}

An Elixir release uses `releases.exs`:

``` elixir
config :opentelemetry_exporter,
  otlp_protocol: :grpc,
  otlp_compression: :gzip,
  otlp_endpoint: "",
  otlp_headers: [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]

The default SSL options for HTTPS requests are set using
[tls_certificate_check]( This
package also provides the [CA certificates from Mozilla](

The user can override these options either as part of the endpoint or for all
endpoints used by the exporter with the Application environment variable

See [secure coding with
for more information on securing HTTP requests in Erlang.

### OS Environment

Lastly, configuring the exporter can be done with OS environment variables,
which take precedence:

- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT`: The URL to send traces and metrics to, for traces the path `v1/traces` is appended to the path in the URL.
- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT`: URL to send only traces to. This takes precedence for exporting traces and the path of the URL is kept as is, no suffix is appended.
- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS`: List of additional headers to add to export requests.
- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_HEADERS`: Additional headers to add to only trace export requests.
- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL`: The transport protocol to use, supported values: `grpc` and `http_protobuf`. Defaults to `http_protobuf`
- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_PROTOCOL`: The transport protocol to use for exporting traces, supported values: `grpc` and `http_protobuf`. Defaults to `http_protobuf`.
- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_COMPRESSION`: Compression to use, supported value: gzip. Defaults to no compression.
- `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_COMPRESSION`: Compression to use when exporting traces, supported value: gzip. Defaults to no compression.

Example usage of setting the environment variables:
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_HEADERS=x-honeycomb-team=<HONEYCOMB API TOKEN>,x-honeycomb-dataset=experiments

## Contributing

This project uses a submodule during development, it is not needed if the application is being used as a dependency, so be sure to clone with the option `recurse-submodules`:

``` shell
$ git clone --recurse-submodules

### Upgrading OpenTelemetry Protos

The protos are in a separate repository, [opentelemetry-proto](, and used as a submodule in this repo. To update the Erlang protobuf modules and GRPC client first update the submodule and then use the [rebar3 grpcbox plugin]( to generate the client:

``` shell
$ git submodule update --remote opentelemetry-proto
$ rebar3 grpc gen -t client
===> Writing src/trace_service_pb.erl
===> Writing src/opentelemetry_proto_collector_trace_v_1_trace_service_client.erl (forcibly overwriting)
$ mv src/opentelemetry_proto_collector_trace_v_1_trace_service_client.erl src/opentelemetry_trace_service.erl

Then open `src/opentelemetry_trace_service.erl` and fix the module name.