# Operate | Agent

Operate is an extensible Bitcoin meta programming protocol. It offers a way of running programs encapsulated in Bitcoin (SV) transactions that can be be used to process data, perform calculations and operations, and return any computable value.

**Operate | Agent** is an Elixir agent used to load and run programs (known as "tapes").

More infomation:

* [Project website](
* [Full documentation](

## Installation

The package is bundled with `libsecp256k1` NIF bindings. `libtool`, `automake` and `autogen` are required in order for the package to compile.

The package can be installed by adding `operate` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.

**The most recent `luerl` package published on `` is based on Lua 5.2 which may not be compatible with all Ops. It is recommended to override the `luerl` dependency with the latest development version to benefit from Lua 5.3.**

def deps do
    {:operate, "~> 0.0.1"},
    {:luerl, github: "rvirding/luerl", branch: "develop", override: true}

## Quick start

Operate can be used straight away without starting any processes. This will run without caching so should only be used for testing and kicking the tyres.

{:ok, tape} = Operate.load_tape(txid)
{:ok, tape} = Operate.run_tape(tape)


## Process supervision

To enable caching, Operate should be started as part of your application's process supervision tree.

children = [
  {Operate, [
    cache: Operate.Cache.ConCache,
  {ConCache, [
    name: :operate,
    ttl_check_interval: :timer.minutes(1),
    global_ttl: :timer.minutes(10),
    touch_on_read: true

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

## Configuration

Operate can be configured with the following options. Additionally, any of these options can be passed to `Operate.load_tape/2` and `Operate.run_tape/2` to override the configuration.

* `:tape_adapter` - The adapter module used to fetch the tape transaction.
* `:op_adapter` - The adapter module used to fetch the tape's function scripts.
* `:cache` - The cache module used for caching tapes and functions.
* `:extensions` - A list of extension modules to extend the VM state.
* `:aliases` - A map of references to alias functions to alternative references.
* `:strict` - Set `false` to disable strict mode and ignore missing and/or erring functions.

The default configuration:

tape_adapter: Operate.Adapter.Bob,
op_adapter: Operate.Adapter.FBHub,
cache: Operate.Cache.NoCache,
extensions: [],
aliases: %{},
strict: true

## License


© Copyright 2019 Chronos Labs Ltd.