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# Optimus

`Optimus` is a command line parsing library for [`Elixir`](

It's aim is to take off the maximum possible amount of manual argument handling.
The intended use case is to configure `Optimus` parser, run it against the
command line and then do noting but take completely validated
ready to use values.

`Optimus` was strongly inspired by the awesome [``](
library. `Optimus` does not generally follows its design, but it tries to
follow the idea of zero manual manipulation with the values after the parser has
returned them.

## Installation

Add `optimus` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.

def deps do
  [{:optimus, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Usage

Let's configure a CLI interface to an imaginary utility which reads data from
a file of the following format:

# timestamp, value
1481729245, 12.0
1481729245, 13.0
1481729246, 11.1

and outputs some statistic metrics of the values.
It also has a subcommand which validates the source file integrity.

The whole sample code can be found in
[optimus_example]( repo.

defmodule Statcalc do
  def main(argv) do!(
      name: "statcalc",
      description: "Statistic metrics calculator",
      version: "1.2.3",
      author: "John Smith",
      about: "Utility for calculating statistic metrics of values read from a file for a certain period of time",
      allow_unknown_args: false,
      parse_double_dash: true,
      args: [
        infile: [
          value_name: "INPUT_FILE",
          help: "File with raw data",
          required: true,
          parser: :string
        outfile: [
          value_name: "OUTPUT_FILE",
          help: "File to write statistics to",
          required: false,
          parser: :string
      flags: [
        print_header: [
          short: "-h",
          long: "--print-header",
          help: "Specifies wheather to print header before the outputs",
          multiple: false,
        verbosity: [
          short: "-v",
          help: "Verbosity level",
          multiple: true,
      options: [
        date_from: [
          value_name: "DATE_FROM",
          short: "-f",
          long: "--from",
          help: "Start date for the period",
          parser: fn(s) ->
            case Date.from_iso8601(s) do
              {:error, _} -> {:error, "invalid date"}
              {:ok, _} = ok -> ok
          required: true
        date_to: [
          value_name: "DATE_TO",
          short: "-t",
          long: "--to",
          help: "End date for the period",
          parser: fn(s) ->
            case Date.from_iso8601(s) do
              {:error, _} -> {:error, "invalid date"}
              {:ok, _} = ok -> ok
          required: true
      subcommands: [
        validate: [
          name: "validate",
          about: "Validates the raw contents of a file",
          args: [
            file: [
              value_name: "FILE",
              help: "File with raw data to validate",
              required: true,
              parser: :string
    ) |> Optimus.parse!(argv) |> IO.inspect

Nearly all of the configuration options above are not mandatory.

Also most configuration parameters are self-explanatory, except `parser`. For options and positional arguments `parser` is a lambda which accepts a string argument and returns either `{:ok, parsed_value}` or `{:error, string_reason}`. There are also some predefined parsers which are denoted by atoms: `:string`, `:integer` and `:float`. No parser means that `:string` parser will be used.

Now if we try to launch our compiled escript without any args we'll see the following:

The following errors occured:
- missing required arguments: INPUT_FILE
- missing required options: --from(-f), --to(-t)

    statcalc --help

to see available options

There are several things to note:
* the script exited (in `Optimus.parse!`) since we haven't received a valid set
of arguments;
* a list of errors is displayed (and it's as full as possible);
* a user is offered to launch `statcalc` whith `--help` flag which is automatically
handled by `Optimus`.

If we launch `statcalc --help`, we'll see the following:

>./statcalc --help
Statistic metrics calculator 1.2.3
John Smith
Utility for calculating statistic metrics of values read from a file for a certain period of time

    statcalc [--print-header] --from DATE_FROM --to DATE_TO INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]
    statcalc --version
    statcalc --help
    statcalc help subcommand


    INPUT_FILE         File with raw data                                       
    OUTPUT_FILE        File to write statistics to                              


    -h, --print-header        Specifies wheather to print header before the     


    -f, --from        Start date for the period                                 
    -t, --to          End date for the period                                   


    validate        Validates the raw contents of a file                        


The things to note are:
* `Optimus` formed a formatted help information and also exited;
* it also offers some other autogenerated commands (`--version` and `help subcommand`).

Now if we finally produce a valid list of args, we'll have our arguments parsed:

>./statcalc --print-header -f 2016-01-01 -t 2016-02-01 infile.raw outfile.dat
  args: %{
    infile: "infile.raw",
    outfile: "outfile.dat"
  flags: %{
    print_header: true
  options: %{
    date_from: ~D[2016-01-01],
    date_to: ~D[2016-02-01]
  unknown: []

`Optimus.ParseResult` is a struct with four fields: `args`, `flags`, `options`,
which are maps, and `unknown`, which is a list. Things to note are:
* `unknown` list is always empty if we set `allow_unknown_args: false` for our
* values in `args`, `flags` and `options` maps are kept under keys specified in configuration;
* for options with `multiple: true` the value is a list;
* for flags without `multiple: true` the value is a boolean;
* for flags with `multiple: true` the value is an integer (representing the
  number of occurences of a flag).

## Credits

* [José Valim]( and all other creators of [`Elixir`](
* [Kevin K.]( and all other creators of [``](