# OrdMap


**Ordered map for Elixir lang**

- A set of functions and a macro for working with **ordered maps**.

- An **ordered map** is a *struct* with a *list of key-value tuples* 
where *key* and *value* can be any value.

- It can be serialized to JSON with [Poison]( - you need to add [OrdMap Poison encoder]( to your project dependencies. 

## Usage

iex> o%{"foo" => "bar"}
%OrdMap{tuples: [{"foo", "bar"}]}

iex> my_ord_map =[{"foo", 1}, {"bar", 2}])
iex> OrdMap.get(my_ord_map, "bar")

iex> my_ord_map = o%{"foo" => o(%{nested: "something"}), "bar" => "two"}
iex> my_ord_map["foo"][:nested]

iex> my_ord_map = o%{"foo" => 1, "bar" => 2}
iex> my_ord_map, fn {key, value} -> {key, value + 1} end
[{"foo", 2}, {"bar", 3}]


## Installation

First, add OrdMap to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:ord_map, "~> 0.1.0"}

Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## License

OrdMap is released under MIT (see [`LICENSE`](LICENSE)).