# Ortex

`Ortex` is a wrapper around [ONNX Runtime]( (implemented as
bindings to [`ort`]( Ortex leverages
[`Nx.Serving`]( to easily deploy ONNX models
that run concurrently and distributed in a cluster. Ortex also provides a storage-only
tensor implementation for ease of use.

ONNX models are a standard machine learning model format that can be exported from most ML
libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow. Ortex allows for easy loading and fast inference of
ONNX models using different backends available to ONNX Runtime such as CUDA, TensorRT, Core
ML, and ARM Compute Library.

## Examples


iex> model = Ortex.load("./models/resnet50.onnx")
  inputs: [{"input", "Float32", [nil, 3, 224, 224]}]
  outputs: [{"output", "Float32", [nil, 1000]}]>
iex> {output} =, Nx.broadcast(0.0, {1, 3, 224, 224}))
iex> output |> Nx.backend_transfer() |> Nx.argmax

Inspecting a model shows the expected inputs, outputs, data types, and shapes. Axes with
`nil` represent a dynamic size.

To see more real world examples see the `examples` folder.

### Serving

`Ortex` also implements `Nx.Serving` behaviour. To use it in your application's
supervision tree consult the `Nx.Serving` docs.

iex> serving =, model)
iex> batch = Nx.Batch.stack([{Nx.broadcast(0.0, {3, 224, 224})}])
iex> {result} =, batch)
iex> result |> Nx.backend_transfer() |> Nx.argmax(axis: 1)

## Installation

`Ortex` can be installed by adding `ortex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ortex, "~> 0.1.8"}

You will need [Rust]( for compilation to succeed.