
# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator 6.2.1 (
# Do not edit this file manually.

defmodule Ory.Model.OAuth2Client do
  @moduledoc """
  OAuth 2.0 Clients are used to perform OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect flows. Usually, OAuth 2.0 clients are generated for applications which want to consume your OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect capabilities.

  @derive [Poison.Encoder]
  defstruct [

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
    :access_token_strategy => String.t | nil,
    :allowed_cors_origins => [String.t] | nil,
    :audience => [String.t] | nil,
    :authorization_code_grant_access_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :authorization_code_grant_id_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :authorization_code_grant_refresh_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :backchannel_logout_session_required => boolean() | nil,
    :backchannel_logout_uri => String.t | nil,
    :client_credentials_grant_access_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :client_id => String.t | nil,
    :client_name => String.t | nil,
    :client_secret => String.t | nil,
    :client_secret_expires_at => integer() | nil,
    :client_uri => String.t | nil,
    :contacts => [String.t] | nil,
    :created_at => DateTime.t | nil,
    :frontchannel_logout_session_required => boolean() | nil,
    :frontchannel_logout_uri => String.t | nil,
    :grant_types => [String.t] | nil,
    :implicit_grant_access_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :implicit_grant_id_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :jwks => AnyType | nil,
    :jwks_uri => String.t | nil,
    :jwt_bearer_grant_access_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :logo_uri => String.t | nil,
    :metadata => map() | nil,
    :owner => String.t | nil,
    :policy_uri => String.t | nil,
    :post_logout_redirect_uris => [String.t] | nil,
    :redirect_uris => [String.t] | nil,
    :refresh_token_grant_access_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :refresh_token_grant_id_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :refresh_token_grant_refresh_token_lifespan => String.t | nil,
    :registration_access_token => String.t | nil,
    :registration_client_uri => String.t | nil,
    :request_object_signing_alg => String.t | nil,
    :request_uris => [String.t] | nil,
    :response_types => [String.t] | nil,
    :scope => String.t | nil,
    :sector_identifier_uri => String.t | nil,
    :skip_consent => boolean() | nil,
    :subject_type => String.t | nil,
    :token_endpoint_auth_method => String.t | nil,
    :token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg => String.t | nil,
    :tos_uri => String.t | nil,
    :updated_at => DateTime.t | nil,
    :userinfo_signed_response_alg => String.t | nil

defimpl Poison.Decoder, for: Ory.Model.OAuth2Client do
  import Ory.Deserializer
  def decode(value, options) do
    |> deserialize(:jwks, :struct, Ory.Model.AnyType, options)