# outil
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A library for writing command line tools. Like so:
import gleam/erlang
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import gleam/result
import gleam/string
import outil.{command}
import outil/arg
import outil/opt
fn say_hello(args) {
use cmd <- command("hello", "Say hello to someone", args)
use name, cmd <- arg.string(cmd, "name")
use enthusiasm, cmd <- opt.int(cmd, "enthusiasm", "How enthusiastic?", 1)
try name = name(cmd)
try enthusiasm = enthusiasm(cmd)
let message = "Hello, " <> name <> string.repeat("!", enthusiasm)
pub fn main() {
// Erlang is not required, this example just uses it for getting ARGV
let args =
|> list.drop(1)
// drop the program name from the arguments we pass in
|> result.map_error(print_usage)
fn print_usage(ret) {
case ret {
outil.CommandLineError(_, usage) -> io.println(usage)
outil.Help(usage) -> io.println(usage)
If you don't fancy this style of programming, check out [glint] or [Awesome Gleam] for alternatives.
Outil is not going to have many cool features for building comprehensive command line
interfaces. It is meant to fit simple programs with simple needs.
[glint]: https://github.com/tanklesxl/glint
[Awesome Gleam]: https://github.com/gleam-lang/awesome-gleam#cli
## Quick start
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell
## Installation
Outil is available on Hex and can be added to your Gleam project like so:
gleam add outil
and its documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/outil>.
## Changelog
### 0.3.0
* Expanded the return type of commands to include a way for the command code itself to return errors.
* **BREAKING** Some types were renamed to support the above, and be more clear.
### 0.2.1
* Fixed some docs.
### 0.2.0
* **BREAKING** Simplified command implementation. The function is the command now, it no longer returns a `Command` value.
### 0.1.0
* Hello world!
* Something kind of working.