
An erlang library for contract testing using pact ffi and generating consumer pacts 


    $ make

Add pact-erlang as a dependency in your application
{erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
    {pact_erlang, ".*", {git, "", {branch, "develop"}}}


%% Setup
%% Define pact consumer and producer
PactRef = pact:create_new_pact(<<"consumer">>, <<"producer">>).

%% Define the interaction description associated with a pact ref
InteractionRef = pact:create_new_interaction(PactRef, <<"/users api desc">>).

%% Define interaction's request method, path, response content type and body as well as response code
pact:with_request(InteractionRef, <<"GET">>, <<"/users">>).
ResponseJsonString = jsx:encode(#{user_id => 1, user_name => <<"ranjan">>, age => 26}).
pact:with_response_body(InteractionRef, <<"application/json">>, ResponseJsonString).
pact:with_response_status(InteractionRef, 200).

%% Create the mock producer
pact:create_mock_server_for_transport(PactRef, <<"localhost">>, 1234, <<"http">>).

%% test your code which calls the api
Users = user:get_users(),

%% Verify if everything matched successfully
assertEqual({ok, matched}, pact:verify(1234)).

%% Should write Pact File if matched
pact:write_pact_file(PactRef, "/Users/priyaranjan.m/pacts")

%% Cleanup test setup
%% This won't cleanup the pact files, only the pact ref you created in the test setup
Matching request path and request/response headers, and body values

For now the matchers module is not implemented, but we can very much match values.
Refer source -