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An erlang library for contract testing using pact ffi and generating consumer pacts.

This library should be considered alpha quality. It is not yet feature complete and the API is subject to change.

Docs: \


    $ make

Add pact-erlang as a dependency in your application
{deps, [pact_erlang]}.


Check the test folder for an example end-to-end scenario including consumer and producer checks.

%% Setup
%% Define pact consumer and producer
PactRef = pact:v4(<<"consumer">>, <<"producer">>).

%% Define the interaction, returns running mock server port
{ok, Port} = pact:interaction(PactRef,
        given => <<"a user ranjan exists">>
        upon_receiving => <<"get all users">>,
        with_request => #{
            method => <<"GET">>,
            path => <<"/users">>
        will_respond_with => #{
            status => 200,
            headers => #{
                <<"Content-Type">> => <<"application/json">>
            body => jsx:encode(#{users => [#{user_id => 1, user_name => <<"ranjan">>, age => 26}]})

%% test your code which calls the api
Users = user:get_users(<<"">>, Port).

%% Verify if everything matched successfully
assertEqual({ok, matched}, pact:verify(PactRef)).

%% Should write Pact File if matched
pact:write(PactRef, "/path/to/pacts")

%% Cleanup test setup
%% This won't cleanup the pact files, only the pact ref you created in the test setup
Matching request path and request/response headers, and body values

Easy-to-use matchers module is not implemented yet, but matchers can be used by manually specifying a matcher string.
Check the possible values here: