# Paddle

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A library simplifying LDAP usage in Elixir projects.


## Usage

Once installed and configured, it allows you to quickly authenticate users:

iex> Paddle.authenticate("myUser", "password")

Get meaningful informations using [paddle class objects](

iex> Paddle.get %Paddle.PosixAccount{uid: "myUser"}
 [%Paddle.PosixAccount{cn: ["My User"], description: nil,
   gecos: ["My User,,,,"], gidNumber: ["120"],
   homeDirectory: ["/home/myuser"], host: nil, l: nil,
   loginShell: ["/bin/bash"], o: nil, ou: nil, seeAlso: nil, uid: ["myUser"],
   uidNumber: ["500"],
   userPassword: ["{SSHA}AIzygLSXlArhAMzddUriXQxf7UlkqopP"]}]}

Or just get informations about anything:

iex> Paddle.get base: [ou: "People"], filter: [objectClass: "organizationalUnit"]
 [%{"dn" => "ou=People,dc=test,dc=com",
    "objectClass" => ["top", "organizationalUnit"], "ou" => ["People"]}]}

Add, delete, modify operations are supported. If you want to know more, just
go to [the documentation](

## Installation

The package can be installed as:

1. Add `paddle` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:paddle, "~> 0.1.0"}]

2. Ensure `paddle` is started before your application:

  def application do
    [applications: [:paddle]]

3. Add your configuration in your config files:

  config :paddle, Paddle,
    host: "",
    base: "dc=myorganisation,dc=org",
    ssl: true,
    port: 636

  For more configurations, see the [`Paddle` module docmumentation](

## Testing

If you want to test this application, you can use the linux commands
described in the [.travis.yml](.travis.yml) file in the
`before_script` block to start a local test LDAP server.

Keep in mind that you may need to change the
[.travis/ldap/slapd.conf](.travis/ldap/slapd.conf) for your system by changing
some configuration paths.

If you want to add some more data to the test server, please feel free
to issue a pull request.