# Paidy for Elixir

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An Elixir library for working with [Paidy](

## Features

### Payments
* create a payment
* retrieve a payment
* update a payment
* capture a payment
* refund/partially refund a payment
* close a payment

### Tokens
* retrieve a token
* retrieve all tokens
* suspend a token
* resume a token
* delete a token

## Installation

def deps do
  [{:paidy, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Usage

### Create a payment

params = %{
  amount: 12500,
  shipping_address: %{
      line1: "AXISビル 10F",
      line2: "六本木4-22-1",
      state: "港区",
      city: "東京都",
      zip: "106-2004"
  order: %{
      order_ref: "your_order_ref",
      items: [%{
              quantity: 1,
              id: "PDI001",
              title: "Paidyスニーカー",
              description: "Paidyスニーカー",
              unit_price: 12000
      tax: 300,
      shipping: 200
  store_name: "Paidy sample store",
  buyer_data: %{
      age: 29,
      order_count: 1000,
      ltv: 250000,
      last_order_amount: 20000,
      last_order_at: 20
  description: "hoge",
  token_id: "tok_foobar",
  currency: "JPY",
  metadata: %{}

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.create(params)

### Retrieve a payment

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.get("payment_id")

### Update a payment

params = %{
  description: "Changed payment"

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.change("payment_id", params)

### Capture a payment

{:ok, captured} = Paidy.Payment.capture("payment_id")

### Refund a payment

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.capture("payment_id")
capture_id = payment.captures |> List.first |> Map.get("id")

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.refund("payment_id", capture_id)

### Partially refund a payment

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.capture("payment_id")
capture_id = payment.captures |> List.first |> Map.get("id")

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.refund("payment_id", capture_id, 500)

### Close a payment

{:ok, payment} = Paidy.Payment.close("payment_id")

### Retrieve a token

{:ok, token} = Paidy.Token.get "token_id"

### Retrieve all tokens

{:ok, tokens} = Paidy.Token.all

### Suspend a token

params = %{
  reason: %{
    code: "fraud.suspected",
    description: "Token suspended because fraud suspected."

{:ok, token} = Paidy.Token.suspend "token_id", params

### Resume a token

params = %{
  reason: %{
    code: "merchant.requested",
    description: "Token is being resumed because the subscription item is back in stock"

{:ok, token} = Paidy.Token.resume "token_id", params

### Delete a token

{:ok, token} = Paidy.Token.delete "token_id", params

## Testing
If you start contributing and you want to run mix test, first you need to export PAIDY_SECRET_KEY environment variable in the same shell as the one you will be running mix test in.

export PAIDY_SECRET_KEY="yourkey"
mix test

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## License