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Elixir implementation of a
[_pairing heap_](

## Background

A heap is a tree data structure that ensures that the root always has the 
minimum or maximum key value, depending on the desired sort order. The heap was 
first introduced in the context of efficient sorting 
(see [_heapsort_](, but it can also be 
used to implement a 
[priority queue](  

Each node of a heap has a _key_ on which the data is ordered, as well as a
collection of child nodes. Every heap node satisfies the _heap property_
that the node key is either less than or equal to 
(a _min-heap_) or greater than or equal to (a _max-heap_) the keys of its
children. In a min-heap, the root node has the smallest key in the tree, while 
for a max-heap, the root key is the largest.

A pairing heap is one of a handful of commonly-used heap data structures. It
has excellent performance characteristics, with `O(1)` time complexity for an
insert and for viewing the root node, and `O(log n)` amortized time complexity 
for removing the root node and rebuilding the heap. The algorithms for 
maintaining a pairing heap have especially simple implementations in a
functional language, which is one reason for doing this in Elixir.

## Usage

`PairingHeap` provides operations for the creation of a heap, for insertion, 
retrieval, and deletion of elements, and for merging multiple heaps.

To create an empty min-heap that compares keys with `&<=/2`, use 

#PairingHeap<root: :empty, size: 0, mode: :min>

An empty heap is indicated with `root: :empty`.

> The `PairingHeap` struct is not intended to be used directly. Use the 
> public API when working with an instance of `PairingHeap`.

The data contained in each node of a heap is a key-value pair expressed as the 
tuple `{key, value}`. A `key` is what is being ordered in the heap, while the 
`value` can be data of any type. Note that a heap is a not a set; duplicate 
keys, values, and key-value pairs can be present.

Multiple key-value pairs can be added to a heap at the time of creation with 

iex>, [{2, :b}, {1, :a}])
#PairingHeap<root: {1, :a}, size: 2, mode: :min>

The first argument to `` and `` is the `mode`
of the heap, which can be one of

  * `:min` - a min-heap, where keys are compared with `&<=/2`
  * `:max` - a max-heap, where keys are compared with `&>=/2`
  * `{:min | :max, module}` - a min- or max-heap, where the `module` must
      implement a `compare` function with signature `(any, any -> :lt | :eq | :gt)`

For example, a min-heap with `Date` keys would be initialized as

iex>{:min, Date}, [{~D[2023-09-01], :b}, {~D[2023-08-01], :a}])
#PairingHeap<root: {~D[2023-08-01], :a}, size: 2, mode: {:min, Date}>

To add a single key-value pair to a heap, use `PairingHeap.put/3`:

iex> |> PairingHeap.put(1, :a)
#PairingHeap<root: {1, :a}, size: 1, mode: :min>

`PairingHeap.peek/1` is used to obtained the key-value pair of the root without
modifying the heap:

iex>, [{1, :a}]) |> PairingHeap.peek()
{:ok, {1, :a}}

Extraction and removal of the root node is accomplished with `PairingHeap.pop/1`:

iex> {:ok, {key, value}, heap} = 
...>, [{1, :a}]) 
...>   |> PairingHeap.pop()
iex> {key, value}
{1, :a}
iex> heap
#PairingHeap<root: :empty, size: 0, mode: :min>

Both `PairingHeap.peek/1` and `PairingHeap.pop/1` return `:error` if the
heap is empty.

`PairingHeap.pull/2` pops zero or more key-value pairs from the heap and returns 
the updated heap:

iex> {pairs, heap} =
...>, [{3, :c}, {1, :a}, {2, :b}])
...>   |> PairingHeap.pull(2)
iex> pairs
[{1, :a}, {2, :b}]
iex> heap
#PairingHeap<root: {3, :c}, size: 1, mode: :min>

If the number in `PairingHeap.pull/2` is greater than the heap size, all of the 
key-value pairs are returned, along with an empty heap.

Two heaps with the same `mode` can be merged with `PairingHeap.merge/2`:

iex> heap1 =, [{2, :b}])
iex> heap2 =, [{1, :a}])
iex> PairingHeap.merge(heap1, heap2)
#PairingHeap<root: {1, :a}, size: 2, mode: :min>

Similarly, one or more heaps can be merged with `PairingHeap.merge/1`, which 
takes a list of heaps as its sole argument:

iex> heap1 =, [{2, :b}])
iex> heap2 =, [{1, :a}])
iex> PairingHeap.merge([heap1, heap2])
#PairingHeap<root: {1, :a}, size: 2, mode: :min>

To quickly dump the key-values pairs in the heap without guarantees on the
ordering, use `PairingHeap.dump/1`:

iex> h =, [{2, :b}, {1, :a}, {3, :c}])
iex> PairingHeap.dump(h)
[{1, :a}, {3, :c}, {2, :b}]

This is faster than `Enum.to_list/1` (see below).

## Enumerable and Collectable

`PairingHeap` implements the `Enumerable` and `Collectable` protocols, meaning
that functions from `Enum` and `Stream` are available. 

`Enum.into` is a simple way to add a batch of key-value pairs to a heap:

iex> heap =, [{2, :b}])
iex> [{3, :c}, {1, :a}] |> Enum.into(heap)
#PairingHeap<root: {1, :a}, size: 3, mode: :min>

Use `Enum.to_list` to list the entire contents of the heap in key order:

iex> heap =, [{3, :c}, {1, :a}, {2, :b}])
iex> heap |> Enum.to_list()
[{1, :a}, {2, :b}, {3, :c}]

`map`, `filter`, and `reduce` are also available for `PairingHeap`. But beware:  

> Any operation that pops `k` elements from a heap will have `O(k log n)`
> complexity on average.

## Miscellaneous details

- Like most other heap algorithms, a pairing heap does not produce a 
[stable sort]( 

- In this implementation of a pairing heap, a new item whose key equals the key
  of the root node will become the new root node.

iex> heap =, [{2, :b}, {1, :a}])
iex> heap |> PairingHeap.put(1, :aa) |> Enum.to_list()
[{1, :aa}, {1, :a}, {2, :b}]

- Emptying a `PairingHeap` with 1,000,000 randomly inserted items takes a 
  couple seconds. For `PairingHeap` sizes less than 1,000,000 the time to 
  pop an item is of order 1 microsecond.