# ParamMap

Use atom keys to access values in string-keyed maps.

The `ParamMap` API is compatible with a subset of the `Map` module, which we are already
familiar with.

Unlike similar packages, `ParamMap`, does not blindly convert strings to atoms.
It converts only the keys you specify. Also, it does not force you to define a schema,
or generate a struct def.

If you are a user of Ecto.Changeset, you've probably written a function that takes untrusted,
string-keyed params and acts on them before passing them to a changeset. If the function uses
string keys to access map values, then that function becomes coupled to the outer (web) layer of
the application where string-keyed maps are unavoidable. What if you want that function
to be callable from inner layers of the application that perfer atom keyed maps?
`ParamMap` gives you that flexibility.

## Usage

iex> params = %{"color" => "red", "size" => "large", "age" => 100}

iex> ParamMap.get(params, :color)

iex> ParamMap.delete(params, :size)
%{"color" => "red", "age" => 100}

iex> ParamMap.take(params, [:color, :size])
%{color: "red", size: "large"}

iex> ParamMap.pop(params, :color)
{"red", %{"size" => "large", "age" => 100}}

## Still works with maps that have atom keys, in case you don't
## know ahead of time whether the keys are strings or atoms.

iex> params = %{:color => "red", "age" => 100}

iex> ParamMap.get(params, :color)

# The params may have a key both as a string and an atom.
# `get/1`, `pop/1`, and `take/2` prioritize the atom key.
# `delete/2`, `pop/1` remove both the atom and string version of the key.

iex> params = %{:color => "red", "color" => "blue"}

iex> ParamMap.get(params, :color)

iex> params = %{:color => "red", "color" => "blue", "age" => 100}

iex> ParamMap.delete(params, :color)
%{"age" => 100}

iex> params = %{:color => "red", "color" => "blue", "age" => 100}

iex> ParamMap.pop(params, :color)
{"red", %{"age" => 100}}

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `param_map` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:param_map, "~> 0.1"}

## Links

- API docs: