# Parameter
<img src="logo.png" alt="parameter" width="150">
`Parameter` helps you shape data from external sources into Elixir internal types. Use it to deal with any external data in general, such as API integrations, parsing user input, or validating data that comes into your system.
`Parameter` offers the following helpers:
- Schema creation and validation
- Input data validation
- Deserialization
- Serialization
## Examples
defmodule UserParam do
use Parameter.Schema
alias Parameter.Validators
param do
field :first_name, :string, key: "firstName", required: true
field :last_name, :string, key: "lastName"
field :email, :string, validator: &Validators.email/1
has_one :address, Address do
field :city, :string, required: true
field :street, :string
field :number, :integer
Load (deserialize) the schema against external parameters:
params = %{
"firstName" => "John",
"lastName" => "Doe",
"email" => "john@email.com",
"address" => %{"city" => "New York", "street" => "York"}
Parameter.load(UserParam, params)
{:ok, %{
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe",
email: "john@email.com",
address: %{city: "New York", street: "York"}
or Dump (serialize) a populated schema to params:
schema = %{
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe",
email: "john@email.com",
address: %{city: "New York", street: "York"}
Parameter.dump(UserParam, params)
"firstName" => "John",
"lastName" => "Doe",
"email" => "john@email.com",
"address" => %{"city" => "New York", "street" => "York"}
Parameter offers a similar Schema model from [Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto) library to deal with parameters. The main use case is to parse response from external APIs. This library provides a well structured schema model which tries to parse the external data. Check the [official documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/parameter/) for more information.
## Installation
Add `parameter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:parameter, "~> 0.10"}
add `:parameter` on `.formatter.exs`:
import_deps: [:parameter]
For `Parameter` with `Ecto` integration check out the [parameter_ecto](https://github.com/phcurado/parameter_ecto) project.
## License
Copyright (c) 2022, Paulo Curado.
Parameter source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.