# Parameters

A simple params validation package built on top of Ecto. I mostly use it to do simple typecasting on query params and simple required/optional parameter validation.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `parameters` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:parameters, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Usage

defmodule MyApp.PostController do
  use MyApp, :web
  use Parameters

  params :index do
    optional :limit, :integer, default: 10
    optional :page, :integer, default: 1
    requires :query, :string

  def index(conn, params) do
    json(conn, params)

GET /posts?query=food
{"limit": 10, "page": 1, query: "food"}

GET /posts?limit=haha&page=hoho
=> %Parameters.InvalidError{plug_status: 400, changeset: changeset}
Invalid parameters
    limit: ["must be a number"],
    page: ["must be a number"],
    query: ["must be present"]

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