# Parent
Support for custom parenting of processes. See [docs](https://hexdocs.pm/parent/) for reference.
Parent is a toolkit for building processes which parent other children and manage their life cycles. The library provides features similar to `Supervisor`, including the support for automatic restarts and failure escalation (maximum restart intensity). Some additional benefits that Parent brings, when compared to `Supervisor` are:
- Exposed lower level plumbing modules, such as `Parent.GenServer` and `Parent`, which can be used to build custom parent processes (i.e. supervisors with custom logic).
- No supervision strategies (one_for_one, rest_for_one, etc). Instead, Parent uses bindings and shutdown groups to achieve the similar behaviour. This can result in flatter and simpler supervision trees.
- Basic registry-like capabilities for simple children discovery.
## Examples
### Basic supervisor
# child spec is a superset of supervisor child specification
# parent options, note that there's no `:strategy`
max_restarts: 3,
max_seconds: 5,
# std. Supervisor/GenServer options
name: __MODULE__
### Binding lifecycles
Parent.child_spec(Child2, bind_to: [Child1]),
Parent.child_spec(Child3, bind_to: [Child1]),
Parent.child_spec(Child4, shutdown_group: :children4_to_6),
Parent.child_spec(Child5, shutdown_group: :children4_to_6),
Parent.child_spec(Child6, shutdown_group: :children4_to_6),
Parent.child_spec(Child7, bind_to: [Child1]),
- if `Child1` is restarted, `Child2`, `Child3`, and `Child7` will be restarted too
- if `Child2`, `Child3`, or `Child7` is restarted, nothing else is restarted
- if any of `Child4`, `Child5`, or `Child6` is restarted, all other processes from the shutdown group are restarted too
### Discovering siblings during startup
Parent.child_spec(Child2, bind_to: [Child1]),
# ...
defmodule Child2 do
def start_link do
# can be safely invoked inside the parent process
child1 = Parent.child_pid(:child1)
# ...
- if `Child1` is restarted, `Child2`, `Child3`, and `Child7` will be restarted too
- if `Child2`, `Child3`, or `Child7` is restarted, nothing else is restarted
- if any of `Child4`, `Child5`, or `Child6` is restarted, all other processes from the shutdown group are restarted too
### Pausing and resuming a part of the system
# stops child1 and all children depending on it
stopped_children = Parent.Client.shutdown_child(some_parent, :child1)
# ...
# returns all stopped children back to the parent
Parent.Client.return_children(some_parent, stopped_children)
### Dynamic supervisor with anonymous children
{:ok, pid1} = Parent.Client.start_child(MySup, Parent.child_spec(Child, id: nil))
{:ok, pid2} = Parent.Client.start_child(MySup, Parent.child_spec(Child, id: nil))
# ...
Parent.Client.shutdown_child(MySup, pid1)
Parent.Client.restart_child(MySup, pid2)
### Dynamic supervisor with child discovery
Parent.Supervisor.start_link([], name: MySup)
# meta is an optional value associated with the child
Parent.Client.start_child(MySup, Parent.child_spec(Child, id: id1, meta: some_meta))
Parent.Client.start_child(MySup, Parent.child_spec(Child, id: id2, meta: another_meta))
# ...
# synchronous calls into the parent process
pid = Parent.Client.child_pid(MySup, id1)
meta = Parent.Client.child_meta(MySub, id1)
all_children = Parent.Client.children(MySup)
Optional ETS-powered registry:
Parent.Supervisor.start_link([], registry?: true)
# start some children
# ETS lookup, no call into parent involved
Parent.Client.child_pid(my_sup, id1)
### Per-child max restart frequency
Parent.child_spec(Child1, max_restarts: 10, max_seconds: 10),
Parent.child_spec(Child2, max_restarts: 3, max_seconds: 5)
# Per-parent max restart frequency can be disabled, or a parent-wide limit can be used. In the
# former case make sure that this limit is higher than the limit of any child.
max_restarts: :infinity
### Module-based supervisor
defmodule MySup do
use Parent.GenServer
def start_link(init_arg),
do: Parent.GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)
@impl GenServer
def init(_init_arg) do
{:ok, initial_state}
### Restarting with a delay
defmodule MySup do
use Parent.GenServer
def start_link(init_arg),
do: Parent.GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)
@impl GenServer
def init(_init_arg) do
# Make sure that children are temporary b/c otherwise `handle_stopped_children/2` won't be invoked.
{:ok, initial_state}
@impl Parent.GenServer
def handle_stopped_children(stopped_children, state) do
# invoked when a child stops and is not restarted
Process.send_after(self, {:restart, stopped_children}, delay)
{:noreply, state}
def handle_info({:restart, stopped_children}, state) do
# Returns the child to the parent preserving its place according to startup order and bumping
# its restart count. This is basically a manual restart.
Parent.return_children(stopped_children, include_temporary?: true)
{:noreply, state}
### Starting additional children after a child stops
defmodule MySup do
use Parent.GenServer
def start_link(init_arg),
do: Parent.GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)
@impl GenServer
def init(_init_arg) do
{:ok, initial_state}
@impl Parent.GenServer
def handle_stopped_children(%{child1: info}, state) do
{:noreply, state}
def handle_stopped_children(_other, state), do: {:noreply, state}
### Building a custom parent process or behaviour from scratch
defp init_process do
defp loop() do
receive do
msg ->
case Parent.handle_message(msg) do
# parent handled the message
:ignore -> loop()
# parent handled the message and returned some useful information
{:stopped_children, stopped_children} -> handle_stopped_children(stopped_children)
# not a parent message
nil -> custom_handle_message(msg)
## Status
This library has seen production usage in a couple of different projects. However, features such as automatic restarts and ETS registry are pretty fresh (aded in late 2020) and so they haven't seen any serious production testing yet.
Based on a very quick & shallow test, Parent is about 3x slower and consumes about 2x more memory than DynamicSupervisor.
The API is prone to significant changes.
Compared to supervisor crash reports, the error logging is very basic and probably not sufficient.
## License