# Parselix
A parser combinator library for Elixir.
[Parselix Document](https://ryo33.github.io/Parselix)
* Attaching Metadata(position and token name)
* Evaluating While Parsing
* Recursive Parser
* Combining Small Parsers
* Editable Error Messages
* Documentable
###For what?
* To **parse** languages, data formats, and more.
* To **format** strings.
* To **validate** something such as mail address.
Add `{:parselix, "~> 0.1.0"}` to deps of your app.
[See the json parser implementation by Parselix](https://github.com/ryo33/Parselix/blob/master/lib/parselix/prepared/json.ex).
And, see the following its usage.
iex> use Parselix
iex> use Parselix.Prepared.JSON
iex> json |> parse("{\"name\": \"Parselix\"}")
{:ok, %{"name" => "Parselix"}, "",
%Parselix.Position{horizontal: 20, index: 20, vertical: 0}}
iex> json |> parse("{\"name\": \"Parselix}")
{:error, "No parser succeeded.",
%Parselix.Position{horizontal: 0, index: 0, vertical: 0}}
[ryo33](https://github.com/ryo33/ "ryo33's github page")