%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2016 Christopher Meiklejohn. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%% under the License.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc This module handles the validation, access and modification of Partisan
%% configuration options.
%% Some options will only take effect after a restart of the Partisan
%% application, while other will take effect while the application is still
%% running.
%% As per Erlang convention the options are given using the `sys.config' file
%% under the `partisan' application section.
%% === Example ===
%% ```
%% [
%% ...
%% {partisan, [
%% {listen_addrs, [
%% #{ip => {127, 0, 0, 1}, port => 12345}
%% ]},
%% {channels, #{
%% data => #{parallelism => 4}
%% }},
%% {remote_ref_format, improper_list},
%% {tls, true},
%% {tls_server_options, [
%% {certfile, "config/_ssl/server/keycert.pem"},
%% {cacertfile, "config/_ssl/server/cacerts.pem"},
%% {keyfile, "config/_ssl/server/key.pem"},
%% {verify, verify_none}
%% ]},
%% {tls_client_options, [
%% {certfile, "config/_ssl/client/keycert.pem"},
%% {cacertfile, "config/_ssl/client/cacerts.pem"},
%% {keyfile, "config/_ssl/client/key.pem"},
%% {verify, verify_none}
%% ]}
%% ]}
%% ]
%% '''
%% == Options ==
%% The following is the list of all the options you can read using
%% {@link get/1} and {@link get/2}, and modify using the `sys.config' file and
%% {@link set/2}.
%% See {@section Deprecated Options} below.
%% <dl>
%% <dt>`binary_padding'</dt>
%% <dd>A boolean value indicating whether to pad
%% encoded messages whose external binary representation consumes less than 65
%% bytes.</dd>
%% <dt>`broadcast'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`broadcast_mods'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`causal_labels'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`channels'</dt>
%% <dd>Defines the channels to be used by Partisan. The
%% option takes either a channels map where keys are channel names
%% ({@link partisan:channel()}) and values are channel options ({@link
%% partisan:channel_opts()}), or a list of values where each value can be any
%% of the following types:
%% <ul>
%% <li>a channel name ({@link partisan:channel()}) e.g. the atom `foo'</li>
%% <li>a channel with options: `{channel(), channel_opts()}'</li>
%% <li>a monotonic channel using the tuple `{monotonic, Name :: channel()}' e.g.
%% `{monotonic, bar}'. This is a legacy representation, the same can be
%% achieved with `{bar, #{monotonic => true}}'</li>
%% </ul>
%% The list can habe a mix of types and during startup they are all coerced to
%% channels map. Coercion works by defaulting the channel's `parallelism' to the
%% value of the global option `parallelism' (which itself defaults to `1'), and
%% the channel's `monotonic' to `false'.
%% Finally the list is transformed to a map where keys are channel names and
%% values are channel map representation.
%% ==== Example ====
%% Given the following option value:
%% ```
%% [
%% foo,
%% {monotonic, bar},
%% {bar, #{parallelism => 4}}
%% ]
%% '''
%% The coerced representation will be the following map (which is a valid input
%% and the final representation of this option after Partisan starts).
%% ```
%% #{
%% foo => #{monotonic => false, parallelism => 1},
%% bar => #{monotonic => true, parallelism => 1},
%% baz => #{monotonic => false, parallelism => 4},
%% }
%% '''
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`connect_disterl'</dt>
%% <dd>A configuration that is intended solely for testing of the
%% {@link partisan_full_membership_strategy} (See `membership_strategy').
%% It defines whether to use Distributed Erlang (disterl) in addition to
%% Partisan channels. Defaults to `false'.
%% Notice that this setting does not prevent you having both disterl and
%% Partisan enabled for your release. However, you need to have special care to
%% avoid mixing the two, for example by calling a {@link partisan_gen_server}
%% that uses Partisan for distribution with {@link gen_server} that uses
%% disterl.
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`connection_interval'</dt>
%% <dd>Interval of time between peer connection attempts</dd>
%% <dt>`connection_jitter'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`disable_fast_forward'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`disable_fast_receive'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`distance_enabled'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`egress_delay'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`exchange_selection'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`exchange_tick_period'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`gossip'</dt>
%% <dd>If `true' gossip is used to disseminate membership to peers.
%% Default is `true'.
%% At the moment used only by {@link partisan_full_membership_strategy}.
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`hyparview'</dt>
%% <dd> The configuration for the {@link
%% partisan_hyparview_peer_service_manager}. A list with the following
%% properties:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`active_max_size' - Defaults to `6'.</li>
%% <li>`active_min_size' - Defaults to `3'.</li>
%% <li>`active_rwl' - Active View Random Walk Length. Defaults to `6'.</li>
%% <li>`passive_max_size' - Defaults to `30'.</li>
%% <li>`passive_rwl' - Passive View Random Walk Length. Defaults to `6'.</li>
%% <li>`random_promotion' - A boolean indicating if random promotion is enabled. Defaults
%% `true'.</li>
%% <li>`random_promotion_interval' - Time after which the protocol attempts to promote a node in the passive
%% view to the active view. Defaults to `5000'.</li>
%% <li>`shuffle_interval' - Defaults to `10000'.</li>
%% <li>`shuffle_k_active' - Number of peers to include in the shuffle exchange. Defaults to `3'.</li>
%% <li>`shuffle_k_passive' - Number of peers to include in the shuffle exchange. Defaults to `4'.</li>
%% </ul>
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`ingress_delay'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`lazy_tick_period'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`listen_addrs'</dt>
%% <dd>A list of `listen_addr()' objects. This overrides `peer_ip' and
%% `peer_port' and its the preferred way to configure the peer listener. If
%% missing, the `peer_ip' property will be used, unless is also missing, in
%% which case the nodename's host part will be used to determine the IP
%% address.
%% The `listen_addr()' object can be represented using lists, binaries,
%% tuples or maps as shown in the following example:
%% ```
%% {listen_addrs, [
%% "",
%% <<"">>,
%% {"", "12345"},
%% {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 12345},
%% #{ip => "", port => "12345"},
%% #{ip => <<"">>, port => <<"12345">>},
%% #{ip => {127, 0, 0, 1}, port => 12345}
%% ]}
%% '''
%% Notice the above example will result in the following, as equivalent terms
%% are deduplicated.
%% ```
%% {listen_addrs, [
%% #{ip => {127, 0, 0, 1}, port => 12345}
%% ]}
%% '''
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`membership_binary_compression'</dt>
%% <dd>A boolean value or an integer in the range from `0..9' to be used with
%% {@link erlang:term_to_binary/2} when encoding the membership set for
%% broadcast.
%% A value of `true' is equivalent to integer `6' (equivalent to
%% option `compressed' in {@link erlang:term_to_binary/2}).
%% A value of `false' is equivalent to `0' (no compression).
%% Default is`true'.</dd>
%% <dt>`membership_strategy'</dt>
%% <dd>The membership strategy to be used with {@link
%% partisan_pluggable_peer_service_manager}.
%% Default is {@link partisan_full_membership_strategy}</dd>
%% <dt>`membership_strategy_tracing'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`name'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`orchestration_strategy'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`parallelism'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`peer_service_manager'</dt>
%% <dd>The peer service manager to be used. An implementation of the {@link
%% partisan_peer_service_manager} behaviour which defines the overlay network
%% topology and the membership view maintenance strategy. Default is {@link
%% partisan_pluggable_peer_service_manager}.</dd>
%% <dt>`peer_ip'</dt>
%% <dd>The IP to use for the peer connection listener. If undefined, the IP
%% address will be resolved using the nodename's host (the part to the right of
%% the `@' character. If the IP address cannot be resolved, it will default to
%% `{127,0,0,1}'.</dd>
%% <dt>`peer_port'</dt>
%% <dd>The port numner for the peer connection listener.</dd>
%% <dt>`periodic_enabled'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`periodic_interval'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`pid_encoding'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`random_seed'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`ref_encoding'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`register_pid_for_encoding'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`remote_ref_format'</dt>
%% <dd>Defines how partisan remote references pids, references and registered
%% names will be encoded. See {@link partisan_remote_ref}).
%% Accepts the following atom values:
%% <ul>
%% <li> `uri' - remote references will be encoded as binary URIs.</li>
%% <li> `tuple' - remote references will be encoded as tuples (the
%% format used by Partisan v1 to v4).</li>
%% <li>`improper_list' - remote references will be encoded as improper lists,
%% similar to how aliases are encoded by the OTP modules.</li>
%% </ul>
%% This option exists to allow the user to tradeoff between memory and latency.
%% In terms of memory `uri' is the cheapest, followed by `improper_list'. In
%% terms of latency `tuple' is the fastest followed by `improper_list'. The
%% default is `improper_list' a if offers a good balance between memory and
%% latency.
%% ```
%% 1> partisan_config:set(remote_ref_format, uri).
%% ok
%% 2> partisan:self().
%% <<"partisan:pid:nonode@nohost:0.1062.0">>
%% 3> partisan_config:set(remote_ref_format, tuple).
%% 4> partisan:self().
%% {partisan_remote_reference,
%% nonode@nohost,
%% {partisan_process_reference,"<0.1062.0>"}}
%% 5> partisan_config:set(remote_ref_format, improper_list).
%% 6> partisan:self().
%% [nonode@nohost|<<"Pid#<0.1062.0>">>]
%% '''
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`remote_ref_uri_padding'</dt>
%% <dd>If `true' and the URI encoding of a
%% remote reference results in a binary smaller than 65 bytes, the URI will be
%% padded. The default is `false'.
%% ```
%% 1> partisan_config:set(remote_ref_binary_padding, false).
%% 1> partisan:self().
%% <<"partisan:pid:nonode@nohost:0.1062.0">>
%% 2> partisan_config:set(remote_ref_binary_padding, true).
%% ok
%% 3> partisan:self().
%% <<"partisan:pid:nonode@nohost:0.1062.0:"...>>
%% '''
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`replaying'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`reservations'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`retransmit_interval'</dt>
%% <dd> When option `retransmission' is set to `true' in the
%% `partisan:forward_opts()' used in a call to
%% {@link partisan:forward_message/3} and message delivery fails, the Peer
%% Service will enqueue the message for retransmission. This option is used to
%% control the interval of time between retransmission attempts.
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`shrinking'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% <dt>`tag'</dt>
%% <dd>The role of this node when using the Client-Server topology implemented
%% by @{link partisan_client_server_peer_manager}.
%% ==== Options ====
%% <ul>
%% <li>`undefined' - The node acts as a normal peer in all other topologies. This the default value</li>
%% <li>`client' - The node acts as a client. To be used only in combination with
%% `{partisan_peer_manager, partisan_client_server_peer_manager}'</li>
%% <li>`server' - The node acts as a server. To be used only in combination with
%% `{partisan_peer_manager, partisan_client_server_peer_manager}'</li>
%% </ul>
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`tls'</dt>
%% <dd>A boolean value indicating whether channel connections should use TLS. If
%% enabled, you have to provide a value for `tls_client_options' and
%% `tls_server_options'. The default is `false'.</dd>
%% <dt>`tls_client_options'</dt>
%% <dd>The TLS socket options used when establishing outgoing connections to
%% peers. The configuration applies to all Partisan channels.
%% The default is `[]'.
%% ==== Example ====
%% ```
%% {tls_client_options, [
%% {certfile, "config/_ssl/client/keycert.pem"},
%% {cacertfile, "config/_ssl/client/cacerts.pem"},
%% {keyfile, "config/_ssl/client/key.pem"},
%% {verify, verify_none}
%% ]}
%% '''
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`tls_server_options'</dt>
%% <dd>The TLS socket options used when establishing incoming connections from
%% peers. The configuration applies to all Partisan channels.
%% The default is `[]'.
%% ==== Example ====
%% ```
%% {tls_server_options, [
%% {certfile, "config/_ssl/server/keycert.pem"},
%% {cacertfile, "config/_ssl/server/cacerts.pem"},
%% {keyfile, "config/_ssl/server/key.pem"},
%% {verify, verify_none}
%% ]}
%% '''
%% </dd>
%% <dt>`tracing'</dt>
%% <dd>a boolean value. The default is `false'.</dd>
%% <dt>`xbot_interval'</dt>
%% <dd>TBD</dd>
%% </dl>
%% == Deprecated Options ==
%% The following is the list of options have been deprecated. Some of them have
%% been renamed and/or moved down a level in the configuration tree.
%% <dl>
%% <dt>`arwl'</dt>
%% <dd>HyParView's Active View Random Walk Length. Defaults to
%% `6'. Use `active_rwl' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`fanout'</dt>
%% <dd>The number of nodes that are contacted at each gossip
%% interval.</dd>
%% <dt>`max_active_size'</dt>
%% <dd>HyParView's Active View Random Walk Length. Defaults to `6'.
%% Use `active_max_size' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`max_passive_size'</dt>
%% <dd>HyParView's Active View Random Walk Length. Defaults to `30'.
%% Use `passive_max_size' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`mix_active_size'</dt>
%% <dd>HyParView's Active View Random Walk Length. Defaults to `3'.
%% Use `active_min_size' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`passive_view_shuffle_period'</dt>
%% <dd>Use `shuffle_interval' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`peer_port'</dt>
%% <dd>Use `listen_addrs' instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`partisan_peer_service_manager'</dt>
%% <dd>Use `peer_service_manager' instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`prwl'</dt>
%% <dd>HyParView's Passive View Random Walk Length. Defaults to
%% `6'. Use `passive_rwl' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`random_promotion'</dt>
%% <dd>Use `random_promotion' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`random_promotion_period'</dt>
%% <dd>Use `random_promotion_interval' in the `hyparview' option instead.</dd>
%% <dt>`remote_ref_as_uri'</dt>
%% <dd>Use `{remote_ref_format, uri}' instead</dd>
%% </dl>
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-author("Christopher Meiklejohn <christopher.meiklejohn@gmail.com>").
-define(KEY(Arg), {?MODULE, Arg}).
-define(IS_KEY(Arg), is_tuple(Arg) andalso element(1, Arg) == ?MODULE).
-compile({no_auto_import, [get/1]}).
-compile({no_auto_import, [set/2]}).
%% =============================================================================
%% API
%% =============================================================================
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Initialises the configuration from the application environment.
%% <strong>You should never call this function</strong>. This is used by
%% Partisan itself during startup.
%% The function is (and should be) idempotent, which is required for testing.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
init() ->
ok = cleanup(),
PeerService0 = application:get_env(
PeerService =
case os:getenv("PEER_SERVICE", "false") of
"false" ->
String ->
%% Configure the partisan node name.
%% Must be done here, before the resolution call is made.
ok = maybe_set_node_name(),
DefaultTag =
case os:getenv("TAG", "false") of
"false" ->
TagList ->
Tag = list_to_atom(TagList),
application:set_env(?APP, tag, Tag),
%% Determine if we are replaying.
case os:getenv("REPLAY", "false") of
"false" ->
_ ->
application:set_env(?APP, replaying, true),
%% Determine if we are shrinking.
case os:getenv("SHRINKING", "false") of
"false" ->
_ ->
application:set_env(?APP, shrinking, true),
%% Configure system parameters.
DefaultPeerIP = try_get_peer_ip(),
DefaultPeerPort = random_port(),
[env_or_default(Key, Default) ||
{Key, Default} <- [
%% This list should be exhaustive, anything key missing from this
%% list will not be read from the application environment.
%% The following keys are missing on purpose
%% as we need to process them after: [channels].
{binary_padding, false},
{broadcast, false},
{broadcast_mods, [partisan_plumtree_backend]},
{causal_labels, []},
{channel_fallback, true},
{connect_disterl, false},
{connection_jitter, ?CONNECTION_JITTER},
{connection_interval, 1000},
{disable_fast_forward, false},
{disable_fast_receive, false},
{distance_enabled, ?DISTANCE_ENABLED},
{egress_delay, 0},
{exchange_selection, optimized},
{exchange_tick_period, ?DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_TICK_PERIOD},
{fanout, ?FANOUT},
{gossip, true},
{ingress_delay, 0},
{lazy_tick_period, ?DEFAULT_LAZY_TICK_PERIOD},
{listen_addrs, []},
{membership_binary_compression, true},
{membership_strategy, ?DEFAULT_MEMBERSHIP_STRATEGY},
{membership_strategy_tracing, ?MEMBERSHIP_STRATEGY_TRACING},
{orchestration_strategy, ?DEFAULT_ORCHESTRATION_STRATEGY},
{parallelism, ?PARALLELISM},
{peer_discovery, #{enabled => false}},
{peer_service_manager, PeerService},
{peer_ip, DefaultPeerIP},
{peer_port, DefaultPeerPort},
{periodic_enabled, ?PERIODIC_ENABLED},
{periodic_interval, 10000},
{pid_encoding, true},
{random_seed, random_seed()},
{ref_encoding, true},
{register_pid_for_encoding, false},
{remote_ref_format, improper_list},
{remote_ref_uri_padding, false},
{replaying, false},
{retransmit_interval, 1000},
{reservations, []},
{shrinking, false},
{tag, DefaultTag},
{tls, false},
{tls_client_options, []},
{tls_server_options, []},
{tracing, false},
{transmission_logging_mfa, undefined}
%% Setup channels
Channels = application:get_env(?APP, channels, #{}),
set(channels, Channels),
%% Setup default listen addr.
%% This will be part of the partisan:node_spec() which is the map
DefaultAddr = #{
ip => get(peer_ip),
port => get(peer_port)
case get(listen_addrs) of
[] ->
set(listen_addrs, [DefaultAddr]);
L when is_list(L) ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Seed the process.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seed(Seed) ->
rand:seed(exsplus, Seed).
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Seed the process.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seed() ->
RandomSeed = random_seed(),
description => "Chossing random seed",
node => partisan:node(),
seed => RandomSeed
rand:seed(exsplus, RandomSeed).
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Return a random seed, either from the environment or one that's
%% generated for the run.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
random_seed() ->
case get(random_seed, undefined) of
undefined ->
{erlang:phash2([partisan:node()]), erlang:monotonic_time(), erlang:unique_integer()};
Other ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trace(Message, Args) ->
description => "Trace",
message => Message,
args => Args
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get(broadcast_start_exchange_limit = Key) ->
%% If there is no limit defined we assume a limit of 1 per module, as we
%% This works because partisan_plumtree_broadcast will never run more than
%% one exchange per module anyway.
Default = length(get(broadcast_mods, [])),
get(Key, Default);
get(Key) ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get(Key, Default) ->
persistent_term:get(?KEY(maybe_rename(Key)), Default).
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Returns the value for `Key' in `Opts', if found. Otherwise, calls
%% {@link get/1}.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_with_opts(Key, Opts) when is_map(Opts); is_list(Opts) ->
case maps:find(Key, Opts) of
{ok, Val} -> Val;
error -> get(Key)
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Returns the value for `Key' in `Opts', if found. Otherwise, calls
%% {@link get/2}.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_with_opts(Key, Opts, Default) when is_map(Opts); is_list(Opts) ->
case maps:find(Key, Opts) of
{ok, Val} -> Val;
error -> get(Key, Default)
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set(listen_addrs, Value0) when is_list(Value0) ->
%% We make sure they are sorted so that we can compare them (specially when
%% part of the node_spec()).
Value = lists:usort(validate_listen_addrs(Value0)),
do_set(listen_addrs, Value);
set(peer_ip, Value) when is_list(Value) ->
ParsedIP = partisan_util:parse_ip_address(Value),
do_set(peer_ip, ParsedIP);
set(channels, Arg) when is_list(Arg) orelse is_map(Arg) ->
%% We coerse any defined channel to channel spec map representations and
%% build a
%% mapping of {partisan:channel() -> partisan:channel_opts()}
Channels0 = to_channels_map(Arg),
%% We set default channel, overriding any user input
DefaultChannel = maps:without([name], to_channel_spec(?DEFAULT_CHANNEL)),
Channels1 = Channels0#{?DEFAULT_CHANNEL => DefaultChannel},
Channels =
case maps:find(?MEMBERSHIP_CHANNEL, Channels1) of
{ok, MChannel0} when is_map(MChannel0) ->
%% Make sure membership channel is not monotonic
MChannel = maps:merge(MChannel0, #{monotonic => false}),
Channels1#{?MEMBERSHIP_CHANNEL => MChannel};
error ->
parallelism => 1,
monotonic => false,
compression => true
fun(Channel, #{parallelism := N} = Opts) ->
[partisan, channel, configured],
max => N
channel => Channel,
channel_opts => Opts
do_set(channels, Channels);
set(broadcast_mods, L0) ->
is_list(L0) orelse error({badarg, [broadcast_mods, L0]}),
Map = fun
ToAtom(Mod) when is_list(Mod) ->
{true, list_to_existing_atom(Mod)}
error:Reason ->
ToAtom({error, Mod})
ToAtom({error, Mod}) ->
description => "Configuration error. Broadcast module ignored",
reason => "Invalid module",
module => Mod
ToAtom(Mod) when is_atom(Mod), Mod =/= undefined ->
ToAtom(Mod) ->
ToAtom({error, Mod})
L = lists:filtermap(Map, L0),
%% We always add the mods required by partisan itself.
do_set(broadcast_mods, lists:usort(L ++ ?BROADCAST_MODS));
set(hyparview, Value) ->
set(membership_binary_compression, true) ->
do_set(membership_binary_compression, true),
do_set('$membership_encoding_opts', [compressed]);
set(membership_binary_compression, N) when is_integer(N), N >= 0, N =< 9 ->
do_set(membership_binary_compression, N),
do_set('$membership_encoding_opts', [{compressed, N}]);
set(membership_binary_compression, Val) ->
do_set(membership_binary_compression, Val),
do_set('$membership_encoding_opts', []);
set(forward_options, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
set(forward_options, maps:from_list(Opts));
set(tls_client_options, Opts0) when is_list(Opts0) ->
case lists:keytake(hostname_verification, 1, Opts0) of
{value, {hostname_verification, wildcard}, Opts1} ->
Match = public_key:pkix_verify_hostname_match_fun(https),
Check = {customize_hostname_check, [{match_fun, Match}]},
Opts = lists:keystore(customize_hostname_check, 1, Opts1, Check),
do_set(tls_client_options, Opts);
{value, {hostname_verification, _}, Opts1} ->
do_set(tls_client_options, Opts1);
false ->
do_set(tls_client_options, Opts0)
set(Key, Value) ->
do_set(maybe_rename(Key), Value).
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
listen_addrs() ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec channel_opts(Name :: partisan:channel()) -> partisan:channel_opts().
channel_opts(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
case maps:find(Name, channels()) of
{ok, Channel} ->
error ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc The spec of the default channel.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec default_channel_opts() -> partisan:channel_opts().
default_channel_opts() ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc The name of the default channel.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec default_channel() -> partisan:channel().
default_channel() ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec channels() -> #{partisan:channel() => partisan:channel_opts()}.
channels() ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
parallelism() ->
get(parallelism, ?PARALLELISM).
%% =============================================================================
%% =============================================================================
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cleanup() ->
_ = [
|| {Key, _} <- persistent_term:get(), ?IS_KEY(Key)
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc This call is idempotent
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
maybe_set_node_name() ->
case get(name, undefined) of
undefined ->
%% We read directly from the env (not our cache)
UserDefined = application:get_env(partisan, name, undefined),
Nodename ->
%% Name already set
description =>
"Partisan node name generated and configured",
name => Nodename,
disterl_enabled => get(disterl_enabled)
%% @private
set_node_name(UserDefined) ->
Name =
case erlang:node() of
nonode@nohost when UserDefined == undefined ->
Generated = gen_node_name(),
description =>
"Partisan node name generated and configured",
name => Generated,
disterl_enabled => false
nonode@nohost when UserDefined =/= undefined ->
description => "Partisan node name configured",
name => UserDefined,
disterl_enabled => false
Other ->
description => "Partisan node name configured",
name => Other,
disterl_enabled =>
application:get_env(?APP, disterl_enabled, false)
set(name, Name),
set(nodestring, atom_to_binary(Name, utf8)).
%% @private
gen_node_name() ->
{UUID, _UUIDState} = uuid:get_v1(uuid:new(self())),
StringUUID = uuid:uuid_to_string(UUID),
Host =
case application:get_env(?APP, peer_ip, undefined) of
undefined ->
{ok, Val} = inet:gethostname(),
Val ->
list_to_atom(StringUUID ++ "@" ++ Host).
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
address_to_string(IPAddress) when ?IS_IP(IPAddress) ->
address_to_string(Address) when is_binary(Address) ->
address_to_string(Address) when is_list(Address) ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
env_or_default(Key, Default) ->
Value = application:get_env(partisan, Key, Default),
set(Key, Value).
%% @private
do_set(Key, MergeFun) when is_function(MergeFun, 1) ->
OldValue = persistent_term:get(?KEY(Key), undefined),
do_set(Key, MergeFun(OldValue));
do_set(Key, Value) ->
application:set_env(?APP, Key, Value),
persistent_term:put(?KEY(Key), Value).
%% @private
set_hyparview_config(Config) when is_map(Config) ->
set_hyparview_config(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% We rename keys
M = lists:foldl(
fun({Key, Val}, Acc) ->
maps:put(maybe_rename(Key), Val, Acc)
%% We merge with defaults
do_set(hyparview, maps:merge(get(hyparview, ?HYPARVIEW_DEFAULTS), M)).
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc Rename keys
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
maybe_rename(arwl) ->
% hyparview
maybe_rename(prwl) ->
% hyparview
maybe_rename(max_active_size) ->
% hyparview
maybe_rename(min_active_size) ->
% hyparview
maybe_rename(max_passive_size) ->
% hyparview
maybe_rename(passive_view_shuffle_period) ->
% hyparview
maybe_rename(random_promotion_period) ->
% hyparview
maybe_rename(partisan_peer_service_manager) ->
maybe_rename(Key) ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
validate_listen_addrs(Addrs) ->
fun(Addr, Acc) ->
[partisan_util:parse_listen_address(Addr) | Acc]
%% @private
random_port() ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
{ok, {_, Port}} = inet:sockname(Socket),
ok = gen_tcp:close(Socket),
%% @private
try_get_peer_ip() ->
case application:get_env(partisan, peer_ip) of
{ok, Value} when is_list(Value) orelse ?IS_IP(Value) ->
undefined ->
%% @private
get_peer_ip() ->
LongName = atom_to_list(partisan:node()),
[_ShortName, Host] = string:tokens(LongName, "@"),
%% Spawn a process to perform resolution.
Me = self(),
ReqId = spawn_request(
fun() -> Me ! {ok, get_ip_addr(Host)} end,
[{reply, error_only}]
%% Wait for response, either answer or exit.
{ok, Addr} ->
{spawn_reply, ReqId, error, Reason} ->
description =>
"Cannot resolve IP address for host, using",
host => Host,
reason => Reason
5000 ->
_ = spawn_request_abandon(ReqId),
description =>
"Cannot resolve IP address for host, using",
host => Host,
reason => timeout
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec get_ip_addr(Host :: inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname()) ->
get_ip_addr(Host) ->
Families = case is_inet6_supported() of
true -> [inet6, inet];
false -> [inet]
get_ip_addr(Host, Families, undefined).
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_ip_addr(Host, [H|T], _) ->
case inet:getaddr(Host, H) of
{ok, Addr} ->
description => "Resolved IP address for host",
family => H,
host => Host,
addr => Addr
{error, Reason} ->
get_ip_addr(Host, T, Reason)
get_ip_addr(Host, [], Reason) ->
%% Fallback, as we could't resolve Host
description => "Cannot resolve IP address for host, using",
host => Host,
reason => partisan_util:format_posix_error(Reason)
{127, 0, 0, 1}.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
is_inet6_supported() ->
case gen_tcp:listen(0, [inet6]) of
{ok, Socket} ->
ok = gen_tcp:close(Socket),
_Error ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
to_channels_map(L) when is_list(L) ->
Channel = to_channel_spec(E),
{maps:get(name, Channel), maps:without([name], Channel)}
end || E <- L
to_channels_map(M) when is_map(M) ->
%% This is the case where a user has passed
%% #{channel() => channel_opts()}
fun(K, V) ->
%% We return a channel_opts()
maps:without([name], to_channel_spec({K, V}))
%% @private
init_channel_opts() ->
parallelism => get(parallelism, ?PARALLELISM),
monotonic => false,
compression => false
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @private
%% @doc Returns a channel specification map based on `Arg'.
%% This is a temp data structure used by this module to define the final value
%% for the `channels' option.
%% @end
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec to_channel_spec(
Arg :: map()
| partisan:channel()
| {partisan:channel(), partisan:channel_opts()}
| {monotonic, partisan:channel()}) ->
Spec :: map() | no_return().
to_channel_spec(#{name := Name, parallelism := N, monotonic := M} = Spec)
when is_atom(Name) andalso is_integer(N) andalso N >= 1 andalso is_boolean(M) ->
to_channel_spec(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
to_channel_spec(#{name => Name});
to_channel_spec({monotonic, Name}) when is_atom(Name) ->
%% We support the legacy syntax
to_channel_spec(#{name => Name, monotonic => true});
to_channel_spec({Name, Opts}) when is_atom(Name), is_map(Opts) ->
to_channel_spec(Opts#{name => Name});
to_channel_spec(#{name := _} = Map) when is_map(Map) ->
to_channel_spec(maps:merge(init_channel_opts(), Map));
to_channel_spec(_) ->