defmodule Paseto.V2 do
@moduledoc """
The Version2 implementation of the Paseto protocol.
More information about the implementation can be found here:
In short, asymmetric encryption is handled by Ed25519, whereas symmetric encryption is handled by xchachapoly1305
Libsodium bindings are used for these crypto functions.
@behaviour Paseto.VersionBehaviour
alias Paseto.Token
alias Paseto.Utils
alias Paseto.Utils.Crypto
alias Salty.Sign.Ed25519
import Paseto.Utils, only: [b64_decode!: 1]
require Logger
@required_keys [:version, :purpose, :payload]
@all_keys @required_keys ++ [:footer]
@enforce_keys @all_keys
defstruct @all_keys
@spec from_token(Token.t()) :: %__MODULE__{}
def from_token(token) do
version: token.version,
purpose: token.purpose,
payload: token.payload,
footer: token.footer
@header_public "v2.public."
@header_local "v2.local."
@key_len 32
@nonce_len 24
@doc """
Handles encrypting the payload and returning a valid token
# Examples:
iex> key = <<56, 165, 237, 250, 173, 90, 82, 73, 227, 45, 166, 36, 121, 213, 122, 227, 188, 168, 248, 190, 39, 11, 243, 40, 236, 206, 123, 237, 189, 43, 220, 66>>
iex> Paseto.V2.encrypt("This is a test message", key)
@spec encrypt(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), binary | nil) ::
String.t() | {:error, String.t()}
def encrypt(data, key, footer \\ "", n \\ nil) do
aead_encrypt(data, key, footer, n || :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(@nonce_len))
@doc """
Handles decrypting a token payload given the correct key.
# Examples:
iex> key = <<56, 165, 237, 250, 173, 90, 82, 73, 227, 45, 166, 36, 121, 213, 122, 227, 188, 168, 248, 190, 39, 11, 243, 40, 236, 206, 123, 237, 189, 43, 220, 66>>
iex> Paseto.V2.decrypt("AUfxx2uuiOXEXnYlMCzesBUohpewQTQQURBonherEWHcRgnaJfMfZXCt96hciML5PN9ozels1bnPidmFvVc", key)
{:ok, "This is a test message"}
@spec decrypt(String.t(), String.t(), String.t() | nil) ::
{:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
def decrypt(data, key, footer \\ "") do
aead_decrypt(data, key, footer)
@doc """
Handles signing the token for public use.
# Examples:
iex> {:ok, pk, sk} = Salty.Sign.Ed25519.keypair()
iex> Paseto.V2.sign("Test Message", sk)
@spec sign(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, String.t()}
def sign(data, secret_key, footer \\ "") when byte_size(secret_key) == 64 do
pre_auth_encode = Utils.pre_auth_encode([@header_public, data, footer])
{:ok, sig} = Ed25519.sign_detached(pre_auth_encode, secret_key)
Utils.b64_encode_token(@header_public, data <> sig, footer)
_ -> {:error, "Signing failure."}
@doc """
Handles verifying the signature belongs to the provided key.
# Examples:
iex> {:ok, pk, sk} = Salty.Sign.Ed25519.keypair()
iex> Paseto.V2.sign("Test Message", sk)
iex> Paseto.V2.verify("VGVzdAJxQsXSrgYBkcwiOnWamiattqhhhNN_1jsY-LR_YbsoYpZ18-ogVSxWv7d8DlqzLSz9csqNtSzDk4y0JV5xaAE", pk)
"{:ok, "Test"}"
@spec verify(String.t(), [binary()], String.t() | nil) :: {:ok, binary} | {:error, String.t()}
def verify(signed_message, public_key, footer \\ "") do
decoded_footer = b64_decode!(footer)
decoded_message = b64_decode!(signed_message)
data_size = byte_size(decoded_message) - 64
<<data::binary-size(data_size), sig::binary-64>> = decoded_message
pre_auth_encode = Utils.pre_auth_encode([@header_public, data, decoded_footer])
:ok = Ed25519.verify_detached(sig, pre_auth_encode, public_key)
{:ok, data}
_ -> {:error, "Failed to verify signature."}
@doc """
Allows looking at the claims without having verified them.
@spec peek(token :: String.t()) :: String.t()
def peek(token) do
{:ok, %Paseto.Token{payload: payload}} = Utils.parse_token(token)
# Internal Private Functions #
@spec get_claims_from_signed_message(signed_message :: String.t()) :: String.t()
defp get_claims_from_signed_message(signed_message) do
decoded_message = b64_decode!(signed_message)
data_size = byte_size(decoded_message) - 64
<<data::binary-size(data_size), _sig::binary-64>> = decoded_message
@spec aead_encrypt(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), binary) ::
String.t() | {:error, String.t()}
defp aead_encrypt(_data, key, _footer, _n) when byte_size(key) != @key_len do
{:error, "Invalid key length. Expected #{@key_len}, but got #{byte_size(key)}"}
defp aead_encrypt(data, key, footer, n) when byte_size(key) == @key_len do
nonce = Blake2.hash2b(data, @nonce_len, n)
pre_auth_encode = Utils.pre_auth_encode([@header_local, nonce, footer])
{:ok, ciphertext} = Crypto.xchacha20_poly1305_encrypt(data, pre_auth_encode, nonce, key)
Utils.b64_encode_token(@header_local, nonce <> ciphertext, footer)
_ -> {:error, "AEAD Encryption failed."}
@spec aead_decrypt(String.t(), binary, String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
defp aead_decrypt(_data, key, _footer) when byte_size(key) != @key_len do
{:error, "Invalid key length. Expected #{@key_len}, but got #{byte_size(key)}"}
defp aead_decrypt(data, key, footer) when byte_size(key) == @key_len do
decoded_payload = b64_decode!(data)
decoded_footer = b64_decode!(footer)
<<nonce::binary-size(@nonce_len), ciphertext::binary>> = decoded_payload
pre_auth_encode = Utils.pre_auth_encode([@header_local, nonce, decoded_footer])
Crypto.xchacha20_poly1305_decrypt(ciphertext, pre_auth_encode, nonce, key)