# Passbook
Elixir library to create Apple Wallet (.pkpass) files (Apple Wallet has previously been known as Passbook in iOS 6 to iOS 8).
See the [Wallet Topic Page](https://developer.apple.com/wallet/) and the
[Wallet Developer Guide](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/PassKit_PG/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012195) for more information about Apple Wallet.
## Getting Started
1. Get a Pass Type Id
- Visit the iOS Provisioning Portal -> Pass Type IDs -> New Pass Type ID
- Select pass type id -> Configure (Follow steps and download generated pass.cer file)
- Use Keychain tool to export a Certificates.p12 file (need Apple Root Certificate installed)
2. Make sure you have open ssl installed, and generate the necessary certificate
$ openssl pkcs12 -in "Certificates.p12" -clcerts -nokeys -out certificate.pem
3. Generate the key.pem
$ openssl pkcs12 -in "Certificates.p12" -nocerts -out key.pem
You will be asked for an export password (or export phrase). In this example it will be `123456`, the script will use this as an argument to output the desired `.pkpass`
## Usage
iex> Passbook.generate(%Passbook.Pass{
background_color: "rgb(23, 187, 82)",
foreground_color: "rgb(100, 10, 110)",
barcode: %Passbook.LowerLevel.Barcode{
format: :qr,
alt_text: "1234",
message: "qr-code-content"
description: "This is a pass description",
organization_name: "My Organization",
pass_type_identifier: "123",
serial_number: "serial-number-123",
team_identifier: "team-identifier",
generic: %Passbook.PassStructure{
transit_type: :train,
primary_fields: [
key: "my-key",
value: "my-value"
}}, ["icon.png": "path/to/file.png", "icon@2x.png": "path/to/file.png"], "path/to/certificate.pem", "path/to/key.pem", "password", target_path: System.tmp_dir!(), pass_name: "mypass")
{:ok, "path/to/generated/mypass.pkpass"}