# PasswordlessAuth
This library enables you to implement a simple passwordless login or 2-factor / multi-factor authentication. It can also be used as part of a user registration process.
It works by sending a text message with a numeric code to the phone number provided by the user. You can then request the user to verify the code they received before it expires.
See [Usage](#usage) for example usage.
Text messages are sent with the [Twilio](https://www.twilio.com/) API via [ex_twilio](https://github.com/danielberkompas/ex_twilio).
## Documentation
Documentation is available at [https://hexdocs.pm/passwordless_auth](https://hexdocs.pm/passwordless_auth)
## Installation
Add `:passwordless_auth` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:passwordless_auth, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Configuration
PasswordlessAuth depends on [ExTwilio config](https://github.com/danielberkompas/ex_twilio) so you need to set ExTwilio config in your `config/config.exs` file:
config :ex_twilio,
account_sid: "TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID",
auth_token: "TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN",
workspace_sid: "TWILIO_WORKSPACE_SID" # optional
Optionally set PasswordlessAuth config in your `config/config.exs` file:
config :passwordless_auth,
garbage_collector_frequency: 30, # seconds; optional (defaults to 30 if not provided)
verification_code_ttl: 300 # seconds, optional (defaults to 300 if not provided)
## Usage
A passwordless authentication flow could look like this:
### 1. Send a verification code to the user's phone number
User enters their phone number to request a verification code.
messaging_service_sid: "abc123..."
### 2. Verify the code
User receives a text message with their verification code and enters it into the login form.
Returns `true` or `false`.
Once a code has been verified, it should be removed so that it can't be used again:
### 3. Authenticate session / issue token
It's up to you to decide what to do once a user has verified their phone number.
You could match the phone number to a user account, then authenticate the user's session for that user account, or issue them a token with claims for that user account, which [Guardian](https://github.com/ueberauth/guardian) could help you with.
If there is no user account with that phone number, you could allow the user to register by requesting more information from them.
- [x] Tests
- [x] Twilio options can be passed to `create_and_send_verification_sms` rather than requiring `messaging_service_sid` to be configured
- [x] Make verification code length configurable
- [x] Add license
- [x] Generate documentation
- [x] Publish on hex.pm
- [ ] Email authentication method