# PatreonEx

This is an incomplete for the Patreon V2 API. Not all endpoints have wrapper functions yet.

For setup: 
* You must first [register a client]( on Patreon, when doing this select Client API V2.

The  workflow is:
1. Run `Patreon.Impl.authothorize_url/3` with the desired scopes
2. Go to the generated link and login or click "Allow"
3. Pass the `code` parameter from the redirected URL into `Patreon.validate_code/1` and copy the access_token from the response
4. Pass the `access_token` into `Patreon.get_user/1` or `Patreon.get_campaigns/1`

Please note at this stage you will have to reference the API docs to know what `params` you can pass into the `get_*` functions.  

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `patreon_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:patreon_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}

After importing you put your API secrets in a config file (that is in your .gitignore) and define wrapper functions for `authorize_url/2`, `authorize_url/3`, and `validate_code/4`.

For example:

def authorize_url(scope) do
    Application.get_env(:patreon_ex, :redirect_uri),
    Application.get_env(:patreon_ex, :client_id)

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.