# Pavlov
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A BDD framework for your Elixir projects. It's main goal is to provide a rich, expressive syntax for you to develop your unit tests against. Think of it as RSpec's little Elixir-loving brother.

Pavlov is an abstraction built on top of the excellent ExUnit, Elixir's standard testing library, so all of its standard features are still supported.

Here's a short and sweet example of Pavlov in action:

defmodule OrderSpec do
  use Pavlov.Case, async: true
  import Pavlov.Syntax.Expect

  describe ".sum" do
    context "When the Order has items" do
      let :order do
        %Order{items: [
          {"burger", 10.0}
          {"fries", 5.2}

      it "sums the prices of its items" do
        expect Order.sum(order) |> to_eq 15.2

## Table Of Contents

- [Describe and Context](#describe-and-context)
- [Expects syntax](#expects-syntax)
- [Included Matchers](#included-matchers)
- [Callbacks](#callbacks)
  - [before(:each)](#beforeeach)
  - [before(:all)](#beforeall)
- [Mocking](#mocking)
	- [Mocks with arguments](#mocks-with-arguments)
- [Skipping tests](#skipping-tests)
	- [xit](#xit)
	- [xdescribe/xcontext](#xdescribexcontext)
- [Development](#development)
	- [Running the tests](#running-the-tests)
	- [Building the docs](#building-the-docs)
- [Contributing](#contributing)

## Describe and Context
You may use the `describe` and `context` constructs to group tests together in a logical way. Although `context` is just an alias for `describe`, you may use it to add some extra meaning to your tests, ie. you can use `contexts` within a `described` module function to simulate different conditions under which your function should work.

## Expects syntax

You may use the regular ExUnit `assert` syntax if you wish, but Pavlov includes
an `expect` syntax that makes your tests more readable.

If you wish to use this syntax, simply import the `Pavlov.Syntax.Expect` at the
beginning of your Test module:

defmodule MyTest do
  use Pavlov.Case, async: true
  import Pavlov.Syntax.Expect

All core matchers are supported under both syntaxes.

## Included Matchers

When using the `expects` syntax, all matchers have negative counterparts, ie:
expect 1 |> not_to_eq 2
expect(1 > 5) |> not_to_be_true

Visit the [Pavlov Wiki](
to learn more about all of the core matchers available for your tests.

## Callbacks
For now, Pavlov only supports callbacks that run before test cases. [ExUnit's
`on_exit` callback]( is still fully supported though, and may be used normally inside your `before` callbacks.

### before(:each)
Runs the specified code before every test case.

describe "before :each" do
  before :each do
    IO.puts "A test is about to start"

  it "does something" do

  it "does something else" do

In this case, `"A test is about to start"` is printed twice to the console.

### before(:all)
Runs the specified code once before any tests run.

describe "before :each" do
  before :each do
    IO.puts "This suite is about to run"

  it "does something" do

  it "does something else" do
In this case, `"This suite is about to run"` is printed once to the console.

## Mocking
Pavlov provides facilities to mock functions in your Elixir modules. This is
achieved using [Meck](, an erlang mocking tool.

Here's a simple example using [HTTPotion](

before :each do
  allow HTTPotion |> to_receive(get: fn(url) -> "<html></html>" end)

it "gets a page" do
  result = HTTPotion.get("")

  expect HTTPotion |> to_have_received :get
  expect result |> to_eq "<html></html>"

Expectations on mocks also work using `asserts` syntax via the `called` matcher:

before :each do
  allow HTTPotion |> to_receive(get: fn(url) -> "<html></html>" end)

it "gets a page" do

  assert called HTTPotion.get

### Mocks with arguments
You can also perform assertions on what arguments were passed to a mocked

before :each do
  allow HTTPotion |> to_receive(get: fn(url) -> "<html></html>" end)

it "gets a page" do

  expect HTTPotion |> to_have_received :get |> with ""

In `asserts` syntax:

before :each do
  allow HTTPotion |> to_receive (get: fn(url) -> url end )

it "gets a page" do

  assert called HTTPotion.get("")

## Skipping tests
Pavlov runs with the `--exclude pending:true` configuration by default, which
means that tests tagged with `:pending` will not be run.

Pavlov offers several convenience methods to skip your tests, BDD style:

### xit
Marks a specific test as pending and will not run it.

xit "does not run" do
  # This will never run

### xdescribe/xcontext
Marks a group of tests as pending and will not run them. Just as `describe`
and `context`, `xdescribe` and `xcontext` are analogous.

xdescribe "A pending group" do
  it "does not run" do
    # This will never run

  it "does not run either" do
    # This will never run either

## Development

After cloning the repo, make sure to download all dependencies using `mix deps.get`

### Running the tests
Simply run `mix test`

### Building the docs
Run `MIX_ENV=docs mix docs`. The resulting HTML files will be output to the `docs` folder.

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request