# PayJP for Elixir

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An Elixir library for working with [PAY.JP](


* manage accounts (your own)
* manage customers
* manage subscriptions
* manage plans
* manage tokens for credit card
* list and retrieve events
* manage/capture charges with or without an existing Customer

### TODO

- [ ] Transfer
- [ ] OAuth

## Installation

Install the dependency:

def deps do
  [{:payjp, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Next, add to your applications:

defp application do
  [applications: [:payjp]]

## Configuration

To make API calls, it is necessary to configure your PAY.JP secret key.

use Mix.Config

config :payjp, secret_key: "YOUR SECRET KEY"

or add secret key to the environment variables

export PAYJP_SECRET_KEY="yourkey"

## Usage

### Token

- create a token

params = [
  card: [
    number: "4242424242424242",
    exp_month: 12,
    exp_year: 2020,
    cvc: "123"


### Customer

- create a customer with default card

customer = [
  email: "",
  description: "An Elixir Test Account",
  metadata: [
    app_attr1: "xyz"
  card: [
    number: "4242424242424242",
    exp_month: 01,
    exp_year: 2020,
    cvc: 123,
    name: "Joe Test User"


### Card

- create a card for customer

new_card = [
  number: "4242424242424242",
  cvc: 123,
  exp_month: 12,
  exp_year: 2020

Payjp.Cards.create :customer,, new_card

### Charge

- create a charge

with card information.

params = [
  card: [
    number: "4242424242424242",
    exp_month: 12,
    exp_year: 2020,
    cvc: "123"

Payjp.Charges.create(1000, params)

with token

params = [
  card: [
    number: "4242424242424242",
    exp_month: 12,
    exp_year: 2020,
    cvc: "123"

{:ok, token} = Payjp.Tokens.create(params)
Payjp.Charges.create(1000, card:

with customer id

{:ok, customer} = Payjp.Customers.create(customer)
Payjp.Charges.create(1000, customer:

more usage is available at [Documentation](

## Testing
If you start contributing and you want to run mix test, first you need to export PAYJP_SECRET_KEY environment variable in the same shell as the one you will be running mix test in.

export PAYJP_SECRET_KEY="yourkey"
mix test

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## License