defmodule Paystack do
@moduledoc """
A library for working with [Paystack]( in Elixir
[![](]( [![](](
## Installation
Add paystack to your dependencies list in `mix.exs`
{:paystack, "~> #{Mix.Project.config()[:version]}"}
Then run `mix deps.get`
## Configuration
Add the following configuration to your `runtime.exs` or `config.exs` file. The runtime file is preferred if your secret key is injected into your environment at runtime.
config :paystack, secret_key: System.get_env("PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY")
Your environment variable does not have to be `PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY`, as the package only depends on the config key.
## Response
This package returns responses in the format of `{:ok, Paystack.Response{}} | {:error, any}`. This means a successful request would look like this;
iex> Paystack.Transaction.initialize(%{ email: "", amount: "20000" })
data: %{
"access_code" => "0peioxfhpn",
"authorization_url" => "",
"reference" => "7PVGX8MEk85tgeEpVDtD"
message: "Authorization URL created",
meta: nil,
status_code: 200,
success: true
An unsuccessful response would look like this;
iex> Paystack.Transaction.initialize(%{ email: "", amount: "20000" })
data: nil,
message: "Invalid key",
meta: nil,
status_code: 401,
success: false
while an unexpected response would look like this.
iex> Paystack.Transaction.initialize(%{ email: "", amount: "20000" })
{:error, :nxdomain}
## Telemetry
This library executes the following telemetry events:
* `[:paystack, :request, :start]` - Executed before sending a request
#### Measurements
* `system_time` - The system time
* `[:paystack, :request, :stop]` - Executed after sending the final response
#### Measurements
* `duration` - The system time in `:native` unit
#### Metadata
* `url` - The paystack url requested
* `request_type` - The http request type (`:get`, `:post`, or `:put`)
* `status_code` - The http response status code e.g `201`, `400`, `401`, e.t.c.
* `response_type` - The library's response type (`:ok` or `:error`)
Happy coding!