# PayWay

PayWay REST API Elixir wrapper. [API documentation](

## Usage

The library stores PayWay options such as the `api_key` in an Elixir agent,
this is so that any actual calls can be made from anywhere within an
application without having to pipe through the same options over and over
again. Due to this, only one instance of PayWay is ever allowed.

  secret_key:      "PAYWAY_SECRET_API_KEY",
  publishable_key: "PAYWAY_PUBLISHABLE_API_KEY"


## Configuration

| Option             | Type        | Default Value | Description |
| `:api_endpoint`    | string      | "" | The base URL of the PayWay API endpoint.
| `:secret_key`      | string      | ""            | The secret API key.
| `:publishable_key` | string      | ""            | The publishable API key.

## APIs

The intention of the APIs is to simplify the interface to PayWay, and to
support Xplor's payment process.

- [`PaymentMethod.add/2`](lib/payway/api/payment_method.ex)
- [`SettlementAccount.list_merchants/0`](lib/payway/api/settlement_account.ex)
- [`SettlementAccount.list_bank_accounts/0`](lib/payway/api/settlement_account.ex)
- [`Token.get/1`](lib/payway/api/token.ex)
- [`Transaction.make_payment/4`](lib/payway/api/transaction.ex)

## Tests

Copy `config/credentials.exs.template` into `config/credentials.exs` and
fill out the secret key and publishable key values. These keys are used to
communicate to the PayWay API with ExVCR (see below).

[ExVCR]( is used to record PayWay API
responses, when a test is added or changed, you will need to remove the
corresponding cassettes when necessary.

Make sure you check and update [`config.exs`](config/config.exs) to filter
out any sensitive data from the recorded cassettes.

### Fast Tests

Runs only the test suite, and uses VCR cassettes when available.

mix test

### Full Tests

Runs type checking via Dialzyer, test coverage via Coveralls, and the test
suite with VCR cassettes removed so real HTTP calls are made to the PayWay
sandbox API.

mix full_test

## Author

- [@fredwu]( @ [Xplor](

## License

Licensed under [MIT](