# Elixir Protocol Buffer 

**Warning:** only protocol buffers 3 is supported. Use [protobuf-elixir]( if you need support for version 2 (protobuf-elixir was a major inspiration for this project).

This is a protocol buffer encoder and decoder. Its goal is to be fast at the cost of larger generated files. This is achieved by generating a significant part of the encoding and decoding logic at generation time with the protoc plugin.

Encoding and decoding performance is ~3-4x times faster than protobuf-elixir. For example, if we take the `%Everything` structure used in our tests, which has all field types, including all array types (with 2 values per array) and a few maps, `pbuf` takes ~14µs to encode and ~24µs to decode, versus 66µs and 67µs. However, the .beam file is quite a bit larger: 19K vs 7K.

(Note that there _is_ limited support for version 2 syntax, but only enough to allow the protoc plugin to bootstrap itself. This may may or may not provide all the version 2 support you need).

## Installation
Assuming you already have protoc installed, you'll want to run:

    $ mix escript.install hex pbuf

to install the pbuf elixir generator. This will place `protoc-gen-fast-elixir` in your `~/.mix/escript/` folder. This must be on your $PATH.

You can then generate elixir files using the `protoc` command with the `-fast-elixir_out=PATH` flag:

    protoc --fast-elixir_out=generated/ myschema.proto 

Note the name `fast-elixir_out`. This allows you to also have [protobuf]( installed in order to support proto2 syntax.

## Encoding
The generated code is normal Elixir modules with a `defstruct`. Use `new/1` to create new instances:

    user = "leto", age: 2000)

And `Pbuf.encode!/1` and `Pbuf.encode_to_iodata!/1` to encode them:

    data = Pbuf.encode!(user)

Only structures generated by `protoc` can be passed to `encode!/1` and `encode_to_iodata!/1`; you cannot pass maps or other structures.

These functions will raise a `Pbuf.Encoder.Error` on invalid data (such as assigning a `float` to a `bool` field). There are currently no non-raising functions.

## Decoding
Decoding is done via `Pbuf.decode!/2` or `Pbuf.decode/2`:
    user = Pbuf.decode!(Models.User, data)

As an alternative, you can also use: `Models.User.decode!(data)` or `decode/1` to avoid raising on invalid data.

### Enumerations
A field declared as an `enum` should be set to the atom representation of the protocol buffer name, or the integer value. For example, a message defined as:

    message User {
      UserType type = 1;

    enum UserType {

Should be used as:

    user = :USER_TYPE_PENDING)
    # OR
    user = 1)

(casing is preserved from the proto file)

#### Advanced Enums
You'll likely want to map your protocol buffer enums to specific atoms. With a bit of work, the generator can do this for you.

First, you'll need to specify a custom option, say in `options.proto`:

syntax = "proto2";

import 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto';

extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
  optional string elixir_atom = 78832;


You can them import this .proto file like any other and use the option:

import 'options.proto';

enum HTTPMethod {
  HTTP_METHOD_GET = 0 [(elixir_atom) = 'get'];
  HTTP_METHOD_POST = 1 [(elixir_atom) = 'post'];

The value will now be `:get` and `:post` rather than `:HTTP_METHOD_GET` and `:HTTP_METHOD_POST`.

For this to work, Google's proto definitions must be available when you run `protoc`:

protoc -I=/usr/local/include/proto/ -I=. ...

They are available from the protocol buffer source: [](

### Oneofs
By default, a oneof field must be set to a tuple where the first element is the name of the field and the second is the value. Given:

    message Event {
      oneof event_oneof {
        Commit commit = 1;
        Wiki wiki = 2;

Then valid values for `event_oneof` are: nil, `{:commit, Commit.t}` or `{:wiki, Wiki.t}`.

#### Jason and Oneofs
Generated structures have a `@derive Jason.Encoder`. For simple messages, this means you can use `Jason.encode(struct)` to generate a json representation of your messages.

This fails for oneofs, since Jason can't encode tuples (`{:type, value`}). You can configure a different `oneof` format by using the special `elixir_oneof_format` option:

extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
  optional string elixir_atom = 78832;

And then, at the file level, specifying either: 

option (elixir_oneof_format) = 1

and using:

  %{__type: :commit, value: Commit.t}

OR specifying

option (elixir_oneof_format) = 2

and using:

  %{commit: Commit.t}

#### Json Message Encoding
It's possible to not generate `@derive Jason.Encoder` on a per-message basis by using a custom option, say in `options.proto`:

syntax = "proto2";

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
  int32 json_message = 78832;


And then using it in your message:

message Something {
  option (json_message) = 0;

#### Json Field Encoding
It's possible to automatically encode and decode a `bytes` field to and from Json. First, define a `FieldOptions`:

syntax = "proto2";

extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
  int32 json_field = 78832;


And then using it in your message:

message Something {
  bytes data = 1 [(json_field) = 1];

Which results in:
  something = [data: %{over: 9000}]
  |> something.encode!()
  |> Somethihg.decode!() == %{"over" => 9000}

Note that if you assign the `json_field` a value of `2`, keys will be atomified.

#### Json Skip Field
It's possible to NOT encoding individual fields using `json_field = -1`
message Something {
  string id = 1;
  bytes secret = 2 [(json_field) = -1];