Erlang binding for `libpcsc` (the PC/SC smartcard interface library). This
allows you to talk to smartcard devices from Erlang at a low level (sending
ISO7816 APDUs etc).
Listing readers and their states, monitoring for changes:
1> pcsc_card_db:list_readers().
{ok,[<<"Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 00 00">>,
<<"Alcor Micro AU9560 01 00">>,
<<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>]}
2> pcsc_card_db:get_reader_state(<<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>).
3> pcsc_card_db:monitor_cards(#{in_reader => #{name_contains => <<"ACS">>}}).
4> flush().
5> flush().
Shell got {pcsc_card,inserted,#Ref<0.2854622174.861143041.134395>,
<<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>,
6> flush().
Shell got {pcsc_card,removed,#Ref<0.2854622174.861143041.134395>,
<<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>}
Built-in ATR parser for any needed information:
7> iso7816:decode_atr(<<59,128,128,1,1>>).
#{di => 1,fi => 372,fmax => 5,guardn => 0,
historical_bytes => {proprietary,<<>>},
t0 => #{wi => 10},
t1 => #{bwi => 4,checksum => lrc,cwi => 13,ifsc => 32}}
Connect to a card in a particular reader and carry out a transaction (in this
case selecting the NIST PIV applet by short AID):
8> {ok, Card} = pcsc_card:start_link(
8> <<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>,
8> shared, [t1, t0]).
9> ok = pcsc_card:begin_transaction(Card),
9> {ok, Replies} = pcsc_card:command(Card,
9> #apdu_cmd{cla = iso, ins = select, p1 = 4, p2 = 0, data = PIVAid}),
9> ok = pcsc_card:end_transaction(Card).
Basic tools for decoding and encoding BER-TLV format:
10> Replies.
[#apdu_reply{proto = t1,sw = ok,
data = <<97,58,79,11,160,0,0,3,8,0,0,16,0,1,0,121,13,79,
11> [#apdu_reply{data = D}] = Replies.
[#apdu_reply{proto = t1,sw = ok,
data = <<97,58,79,11,160,0,0,3,8,0,0,16,0,1,0,121,13,79,
12> {ok, [ {16#61, D1} ]} = iso7816:decode_ber_tlvs(D).
13> iso7816:decode_ber_tlvs(D1).
Also includes built-in filters for managing ISO7816 command and response
chaining, and a filter for control commands built-in to ACR122U NFC readers
and its clones (see the API docs).
Available on [hex.pm](https://hex.pm/packages/pcsc)
API docs