
A simple wrapper for wkhtmltopdf (HTML to PDF) and PDFTK (adds in encryption) for use in Elixir projects.
It is currently using temporary files instead of pipes or other means of IPC.

 - 0.2.0 
  - adding support for PDFTK to create encrypted PDFs
  - **API-CHANGE** PdfGenerator.generate now returns tuple `{ :ok, file_name }`
    instead of just `file_name`
  - Adding some docs, issue `h PdfGenerator` in your iex shell for more info

Download wkhtmltopdf and place it in your $PATH. Current binaries can be found here:

For best results, download goon and place it yout $PATH. Current binaries can be found here:

Install pdftk via your package manager or homebrew. The project page also contains a Windows installer

Add this to your dependencies in your mix.exs:

    defp deps do
            # ... whatever else
            { :pdf_generator, "0.2.0" },

Then pass some html to PDFGenerator.generate

html = "<html><body><p>Hi there!</p></body></html>"
# be aware, this may take a while...
{ :ok, file_name } = PDFGenerator.generate html, page_size: "A5", open_password: "s3cr3t" 
{ :ok, pdf_content } = file_name 

For more info, read the docs or issue `h PdfGenerator.generate` in your iex shell


- [ ] Use porcelain's/goon's direct IPC feature to remove the creation of intermediate tmp files.
- [ ] Pass some useful base path so wkhtmltopdf can resolve static files (styles, images etc) linked in the HTML