## PDFium

Native bindings for pdfium project

## Installing

* for Mix projects, add the following under `deps` in `mix.exs`:

    {:pdfium, "~> 0.1"}

* for single-file Elixir scripts, add the following:

    Mix.install([pdfium: "~> 0.1"])

## Usage

1. open a PDF file descriptor:

   {:ok, document} = PDFium.load_document("file.pdf")
   # => {:ok, #Reference<0.2181297728.2193227786.166499>}

2. get the number of pages in the file:

   {:ok, pages} = PDFium.get_page_count(document)
   # => {:ok, 1}

3. render a page to file:

   {:ok, ref} = PDFium.load_document("/Users/eugene/Downloads/7ade6db09604a8b41104763c6f16a987.pdf")
   {:ok, binary, w, h} = PDFium.get_page_bitmap(ref, 0, 300) # 300 for DPI
   {:ok, image} = Vix.Vips.Image.new_from_binary(binary, w, h, 4, :VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR)
   {:ok, _image} = Image.write(image, "/tmp/sample.png")

## Releasing

1. bump version in `VERSION` file. Run:

   echo -n (awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="."} {$NF+=1}1' VERSION) > VERSION

2. commit and push the change:

   git add VERSION
   git commit --message "Bump library version"
   git push origin main

3. create a PR from `main` to `stable`. Run:

   gh pr create --base stable --fill

4. wait until the PR checks are green, then merge the PR

## Running CI steps locally

1. Prepare:

   mkdir output

1. Build:

   dagger call \
     precompile --src-dir . --platform-name linux/arm64 --abi musl \
     export --path output/ --allowParentDirPath

2. Test:

   dagger call test \
     --precompiled output/pdfium-nif-2.17-aarch64-linux-musl-0.1.23.tar.gz \
     --abi musl --platform-name linux/arm64

## Known issues

* Installing the library was tested and will work in macOS and inside Docker images built by Bob. Installing
  currently doesn't work under Elixir installed via package managers, such as via `apk add elixir` for example.

## License