# Pears - A parser combinator library for Gleam
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🚧️ **This library is in early development. Expect breaking changes.** 🚧
## Installation
gleam add pears
## Usage
import pears.{type Parser, Parsed}
import pears/chars.{type Char, number}
import pears/combinators.{alt, between, just, lazy, map, sep_by0}
pub type Tree(a) {
fn tree_parser(p: Parser(Char, a)) -> Parser(Char, Tree(a)) {
let tree = lazy(fn() { tree_parser(p) })
let leaf = map(p, Leaf)
let node =
|> sep_by0(just(","))
|> between(just("["), just("]"))
|> map(Node)
alt(leaf, node)
pub fn main() {
let parse_result =
|> chars.input()
|> tree_parser(number())
let assert Ok(Parsed([], Node([Leaf(1), Node([Leaf(2), Leaf(3)]), Leaf(4)]))) =
Further documentation can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/pears](https://hexdocs.pm/pears/pears.html).
See the [test](./test) directory for more examples.
## What's missing?
- Proper error handling
- Test helpers
- ...
## Development
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell