# Permit.Phoenix

[Phoenix Framework]( and [LiveView]( integration for [Permit]( authorization library.

## Purpose and usage

`Permit.Phoenix` allows for consistent authorization of actions throughout the entire codebase of a Phoenix application, both in Plug-based controllers and in LiveView.
- [`Permit`]( provides the permission definition syntax
- [`Permit.Ecto`]( is optional, but - if present - it constructs queries to look up accessible records from a database, based on defined permissions
- `Permit.Phoenix` plugs into controllers and live views in order to automatically preload records and check authorization permissions to perform actions.

### Installation

The package can be installed by adding `permit_phoenix` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:permit_phoenix, "~> 0.1.0"},
    # :permit_ecto can be omitted if Ecto is not used
    {:permit_ecto, "~> 0.1.1"}

### Controllers

All options of `Permit.Phoenix.Controller` can be provided as option keywords with `use Permit.Phoenix.Controller` or as callback implementations. For example, defining a `handle_unauthorized: fn action, conn -> ... end` option is equivalent to:
@impl true
def handle_unauthorized(action, conn), do: ...

In practice, it depends on use case:
* when providing options for different actions, etc., consider using callback implementations
* if you want to provide values as literals instead of functions, consider using option keywords
* for global settings throughout controllers using `use MyAppWeb, :controller`, set globals as keywords, and override in specific controllers using callback implementations.

Whenever `resolution_context` is referred to, it is typified by `Permit.Types.resolution_context`.

#### One-off usage

defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleController do
  use Permit.Phoenix.Controller,
    # Mandatory options:
    authorization_module: MyApp.Authorization,
    resource_module: MyApp.Article,

    # Additional available options:
    fallback_path: fn action, conn -> ... end,
    handle_unauthorized: fn action, conn -> ... end,
    fetch_subject: fn conn -> ... end,
    preload_actions: [:action1, :action2, ...],
    except: [:action3, :action4, ...],
    id_param_name: fn action, conn -> ... end,
    id_struct_field_name: fn action, conn -> ... end,

    # Non-Ecto only:
    loader: fn resolution_context -> ... end,

    # Ecto only:
    base_query: fn resolution_context -> ... end,
    finalize_query: fn query, resolution_context -> ... end

  def show(conn, params) do
    # If there is a MyApp.Article with ID == params[:id] that
    # matches the current user's permissions, it will be
    # available as the @loaded_resource assign.
    # Otherwise, handle_unauthorized/2 is called, defaulting to
    # redirecting to `/`.

  def index(conn, params) do
    # If the :index action is authorized for the user, the
    # @loaded_resources assign will contain all records accessible
    # by the current user per the app's permissions configuration.
    # Pagination and other concerns can be configured with
    # the base_query/1 callback.
    # Otherwise, handle_unauthorized/2 is called, defaulting to
    # redirecting to `/`.

#### Global usage with settings in specific controllers
defmodule MyAppWeb do
  def controller do
    quote do
      # ...
      use Permit.Phoenix.Controller,
        authorization_module: MyApp.Authorization,
        # global options go here

defmodule MyAppWeb.ArticleController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller

  @impl true
  def resource_module, do: MyAppArticle

  # etc., etc.

### LiveView

#### Router configuration

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  # ...

  scope "/", MyAppWeb do
    # ...

    # Configure using an :on_mount hook
    live_session :my_app_session, on_mount: Permit.Phoenix.LiveView.AuthorizeHook do
      # The :live_action names provided here will be
      live "/live/articles", ArticleLive.Index, :index
      live "/live/articles/new", ArticleLive.Index, :new
      live "/live/articles/:id/edit", ArticleLive.Index, :edit

      live "/live/articles/:id", ArticleLive.Show, :show
      live "/live/articles/:id/show/edit", ArticleLive.Show, :edit

#### LiveView configuration

In a similar way to configuring controllers, LiveViews can be configured with option keywords or callback implementations, thus let's omit lengthy examples of both.

Most options are similar to controller options, with `socket` in place of `conn`.

Note that it is mandatory to implement the `fetch_subject` callback, so it is recommended to put it as shared configuration in your web app module.

defmodule PermitTestWeb.ArticleLive.Index do
  use MyAppWeb, :live_view

  use Permit.Phoenix.LiveView,
    authorization_module: MyApp.Authorization,
    resource_module: MyApp.Article

  @impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    # If the :index action is authorized, @loaded_resources assign
    # will contain the list of accessible resources (maybe empty).
    # Pagination, etc. can be configured using base_query/1 callback.

  @impl true
  def handle_params(params, _url, socket) do
    # If assigns[:live_action] has changed, authorization and preloading occurs.
    # If authorized successfully, it is assigned into @loaded_resource or
    # @loaded_resources for singular and plural actions, respectively.
    # If authorization fails, the default implementation of handle_unauthorized/2
    # does:
    #   {:halt, push_redirect(socket, to: "/")}
    # Alternatively you can implement a callback to do something different,
    # for instance you can do {:cont, ...} and assign something to the socket
    # to display a message.

  @impl true
  def fetch_subject(_socket, session) do
    # Retrieve the current user from session