# Perpetual

Perpetual is a simple abstraction around repeatedly iterating state in Elixir.

It is similar to Elixir's `Agent` module in that it can share or store state
that must be accessed from different processes or by the same process at
different points in time, and in addition to that, `Perpetual` lets you
define a function for repeatedly updating the stored state for as long as the
process is kept running.

## Status

This is an early work in progress, and should be considered experimental,
incomplete, and unstable until v1.0.0, following [Semantic Versioning][semver].

All notable changes will be recorded in the [changelog](

## Installation

Once available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding `perpetual` to
your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`. For now, you can test the development
branch with:

def deps do
    {:perpetual, github: "xtagon/perpetual", branch: "edge"}

## Documentation

Documentation can be generated from the source code using `mix docs`.

## Development

The following Mix tasks are available to assist in development:

- `mix docs`
- `mix test`
- `mix coveralls`
- `mix credo`

## License

Perpetual's source code is released under Apache License 2.0.

Check [NOTICE](NOTICE) and [LICENSE](LICENSE) files for more information.
