# Petal 🌺


Petal is a [Bloom filter]( in Elixir.

## Usage

You can use Petal by adding it to your dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:petal, "~> 0.2.0"}

Then within your config file you'll need to specify the hashing implementations to use:

config :petal,
  hashers: [

The ones above are included with Petal. You are free to add your own though, just check [the
 documentation]( for how to implement your own.

You can set the size of the filter with the config setting `filter_size`:

config :petal,
  filter_size: 64

To calculate what size filter you will need, you can use a handy calculator such as the one here:

By default this is set to 64 bits.

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc]( The docs can also be found at [](