<p align="center">
  <img src="" height="128">
  <h1 align="center">Petal Components</h1>

## About 🌺

Petal stands for:

* [Phoenix](
* [Elixir](
* [Tailwind CSS](
* [Alpine JS]( (optional)
* [Live View (HEEX)](

Petal is a set of HEEX components that makes it easy for Phoenix developers to start building beautiful web apps.

Some components like [Dropdowns](#dropdowns) require Javascript to work. We default to Alpine JS (17kb) but you can choose to use `Phoenix.LiveView.JS` as an alternative (though this will only work in live environments like live views or live components).

<p align="center">
  <img src="" height="1200">

## Docs 📄

- [Install](#install)
  - [Existing projects](#existing-projects)
  - [New projects](#new-projects)
- [Roadmap](#roadmap)
  - [Layout](#layout)
  - [Form components](#form-components)
  - [Buttons](#buttons)
  - [Misc](#misc)
- [Examples](#examples)
  - [Buttons](#buttons)
    - [Button types](#button-types)
    - [Button colors](#button-colors)
    - [Button colors (outline)](#button-colors-(outline))
    - [Button sizes](#button-sizes)
    - [Button states](#button-states)
      - [Disabled](#disabled)
      - [Loading](#loading)
    - [Button with icon](#button-with-icon)
  - [Typography](#typography)
  - [Heroicons](#heroicons)
    - [Heroicons solid](#heroicons-solid)
    - [Heroicons outline](#heroicons-outline)
  - [Badges](#badges)
  - [Alerts](#alerts)
    - [Info alert](#info-alert)
    - [Success alert](#success-alert)
    - [Warning alert](#warning-alert)
    - [Danger alert](#danger-alert)
  - [Forms](#forms)
    - [Text input](#text-input)
    - [Number input](#number-input)
    - [Email input](#email-input)
    - [Password input](#password-input)
    - [Search input](#search-input)
    - [Telephone input](#telephone-input)
    - [URL input](#url-input)
    - [Time input](#time-input)
    - [Time select](#time-input)
    - [Datetime local input](#datetime-input)
    - [Datetime select](#datetime-select)
    - [Color input](#color-input)
    - [File input](#file-input)
    - [Range input](#range-input)
    - [Text area](#text-area)
    - [Select](#select)
    - [Radios](#radios)
  - [Dropdowns](#dropdowns)
  - [Loading indicators](#loading-indicators)
  - [Breadcrumbs](#breadcrumbs)
  - [Avatar](#avatar)
    - [Basic Avatars](#basic-avatars)
    - [Avatars with placeholder icon](#avatars-with-placeholder-icon)
    - [Avatar groups stacked](#avatar-groups-stacked)
    - [Avatars with placeholder initials](#avatars-with-placeholder-initials)
    - [Random color generated avatars with placeholder initials](#random-color-generated-avatars-with-placeholder-initials)

## Install

For Petal to work you simply need Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS installed along with with some Tailwind configuration.

### Existing projects

1 - Follow [this guide]( to install Tailwind and Alpine.

2 - Add Petal to your deps:


defp deps do
    {:petal_components, "~> 0.4.0"},

3 - Modify your `tailwind.config.js` file to include these settings:

const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");

module.exports = {
  mode: "jit",
  purge: [

    // We need to include the Petal dependency so the classes get picked up by JIT.
  darkMode: false,
  theme: {
    extend: {

      // Set these to your brand colors
      colors: {
  plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/forms")],

4 - Alias the components in your `<your_project>_web.ex` file

defmodule YourProjectWeb

  defp view_helpers do
    quote do

      use PetalComponents

This will import the functions so you can go `<.button />` in your templates / live views.

If the function names clash with yours (eg. you already have a `.button` function) you can opt to alias the modules instead:

defmodule YourProjectWeb

  defp view_helpers do
    quote do

      alias PetalComponents.{

### New projects

We recommend using [Petal boilerplate](, which is a fresh Phoenix install with Tailwind + Alpine installed. It comes with a project renaming script so you can still rename your project to whatever you like.

## Roadmap

### Layout
- [x] container

### Form components
- [x] text input
- [x] select dropdown
- [x] textarea
- [x] checkbox
- [x] radios
- [x] errors
- [x] labels
- [x] file upload
- [x] text variants (email, password, tel)
- [x] color input
- [x] range input
- [x] time & datetime input
- [ ] multiple select
- [ ] switch

### Buttons
- [x] basic button
- [x] change size
- [x] change color
- [x] loading state (with spinner)
- [x] filled vs outline
- [ ] button group

### Misc
- [x] menu dropdown
- [ ] tooltips
- [x] avatar
- [x] alerts
- [ ] tables
- [ ] cards
- [x] breadcrumbs
- [ ] modal
- [ ] slide over
- [x] spinners
- [ ] accordian
- [ ] pagination
- [x] badges

## Examples

### Containers
<Container.container max_width="full | lg | md | sm">
### Buttons

#### Button types
<.button label="Button">
<.a href="/" label="a">
<.patch href="/" label="Live Patch">
<.redirect href="/" label="Live Redirect">

#### Button colors
<.button color="primary | secondary | white | success | danger" label="Primary" />

#### Button colors (outline)
<.button color="primary | secondary | white | success | danger" label="Primary" variant="outline" />

#### Button sizes
<.button size="sm | md | lg | xl">

#### Button states

##### Disabled
<.button disabled type="a" href="/" label="a Disabled" />
<.button disabled color="primary" label="Button Disabled" />
<.patch disabled href="/" label="Live Patch Disabled" />
<.redirect disabled href="/" label="Live Redirect" />

##### Loading
<.button loading type="a" href="/" label="a Loading" />
<.button loading label="Button Loading" />
<.patch loading href="/" label="Live Patch Loading" />
<.redirect loading href="/" label="Live Redirect Loading" />

#### Button with icon
<.button icon type="a" href="/">
  <Heroicons.Solid.home class="w-5 h-5" />
  a with label

### Typography
<.h1>Heading 1</.h1>
<.h2>Heading 2</.h2>
<.h3>Heading 3</.h3>
<.h4>Heading 4</.h4>
<.h5>Heading 5</.h5>

### Heroicons

#### Heroicons solid
<Heroicons.Solid.home class="w-6 h-6 text-blue-500" />
<Heroicons.Solid.render icon={:home} />

#### Heroicons outline
<Heroicons.Outline.home class="w-6 h-6 text-blue-500" />
<Heroicons.Outline.render icon={:home} />

### Badges
<.badge color="primary | secondary | Info | Success | Warning | Danger | Gray" label="Primary" />
### Alerts

#### Info alert
<.alert state="info">
  This is an info state

#### Success alert
<.alert state="success" label="This is a success state" />

#### Warning alert
<.alert state="warning" label="This is a warning state" />

#### Danger alert
<.alert state="danger" label="This is a danger state" />

#### Optional heading alert
<.alert heading="Optional heading">
  This is quite a long paragraph that takes up more than one line.

### Forms

Inputs can take the same arguments as the equivalents in [Phoenix.HTML.Form]( Eg. `<.time_input precision={:second} />`.

#### Text input
<.text_input form={:user} field={:name} placeholder="eg. John" />

<!-- With a label, errors and bottom margin -->
<div class="mb-6">
  <.form_label form={f} field={:name} />
  <.text_input form={f} field={:name} placeholder="eg. John" />
  <.form_field_error form={f} field={:name} class="mt-1" />

<!-- Includes label, errors and bottom margin -->
  placeholder="eg. John"

#### Number input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.number_input>`.

#### Email input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.email_input>`.

#### Password input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.password_input>`.

#### Telephone input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.telephone_input>`.

#### URL input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.url_input>`.

#### Time input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.time_input>`.

#### Time select

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.time_select>`.

#### Datetime input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.datetime_local_input>`.

#### Datetime select

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.datetime_select>`.

#### Color input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.color_input>`.

#### File input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.file_input>`.

#### Range input

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.range_input>`.

#### Text area

Same as [Text input](#text-input) but use `<.textarea>`.

#### Select
  options={["Admin": "admin", "User": "user"]}

<!-- With a label, errors and bottom margin -->
<div class="mb-6">
  <.form_label form={f} field={:role} />
    options={["Admin": "admin", "User": "user"]}
  <.form_field_error form={f} field={:name} class="mt-1" />

<!-- Includes label, errors and bottom margin -->
  options={["Admin": "admin", "User": "user"]}

#### Checkbox
<.checkbox form={f} field={:read_terms} />

<!-- With a label, errors and bottom margin -->
<label class="inline-flex items-center block gap-3 mb-6 text-sm text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-200">
  <.checkbox form={f} field={:read_terms} />
  <div>I accept</div>

<.form_field_error form={f} field={:read_terms} class="mt-1" />

<!-- Includes label, errors and bottom margin -->
  label="I accept"

#### Radios
<.checkbox form={f} field={:read_terms} />

<!-- With a label, errors and bottom margin -->
<.form_label form={f} field={:eye_color} />

<div class="flex flex-col gap-1">
  <label class="inline-flex items-center block gap-3 text-sm text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-200">
    <.radio form={f} field={:eye_color} value="green" />

  <label class="inline-flex items-center block gap-3 text-sm text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-200">
    <.radio form={f} field={:eye_color} value="blue" />

  <label class="inline-flex items-center block gap-3 text-sm text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-200">
    <.radio form={f} field={:eye_color} value="gray" />

<.form_field_error form={f} field={:read_terms} class="mt-1" />

<!-- Includes label, errors and bottom margin -->
  options={["Green": "green", "Blue": "blue", "Gray": "gray"]}
  label="Eye color"

### Dropdowns

Dropdowns require Javascript. You can choose whether to use Alpine JS or the `Phoenix.LiveView.JS` module.

Note that the `Phoenix.LiveView.JS` option only works in live components. For dead components you must use Alpine JS.

<.dropdown label="Dropdown" js_lib="alpine_js|live_view_js" placement="left|right">
  <.dropdown_menu_item type="button">
    <Heroicons.Outline.home class="w-5 h-5 text-gray-500" />
    Button item with icon
  <.dropdown_menu_item type="a" href="/" label="a item" />
  <.dropdown_menu_item type="live_patch" href="/" label="Live Patch item" />
  <.dropdown_menu_item type="live_redirect" href="/" label="Live Redirect item" />

### Loading indicators
<.spinner show={false} />
<.spinner show={true} size="sm" />
<.spinner show={true} size="md" class="text-green-500" />
<.spinner show={true} size="lg" class="text-red-500" />

### Breadcrumbs

#### Slash
<.breadcrumbs links={[
  %{ label: "Link 1", to: "#" },
  %{ label: "Link 2", to: "#" },
  %{ label: "Link 3", to: "#" }

#### Chevron
<.breadcrumbs separator="chevron" links={[
  %{ label: "Link 1", to: "#" },
  %{ label: "Link 2", to: "#", link_type: "live_patch" },
  %{ label: "Link 3", to: "#", link_type: "live_redirect" },

### Breadcrumbs

#### Basic Avatars
<.avatar size="xs | sm | md | lg | xl " src="" />

#### Avatars with placeholder icon
<.avatar size="xs | sm | md | lg | xl"/>

#### Avatar groups stacked
<.avatar_group avatars={[
]} size="xs | sm | md | lg | xl" class="inline-block"/>

#### Avatars with placeholder initials
 <.avatar name="Petal Components" size="xs | sm | md | lg | xl" />

#### Random color generated avatars with placeholder initials
<.avatar name="Matt Platts" size="xs | sm | md | lg | xl" random_color />