# Phauxth
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Phauxth is an authentication library for Phoenix, and other Plug-based,
web applications. It is designed to be secure, extensible, easy to use
and well-documented.
For a general overview of some of the goals of Phauxth and its basic usage,
see [this post](https://riverrun.github.io/projects/phauxth/2017/09/25/phauxth.html).
## Getting started
[This guide](https://github.com/riverrun/phauxth/wiki/Getting-started)
shows how you can set up a new Phoenix project with Phauxth.
## Authentication and authorization
The core Phauxth library handles authentication, verifying who the
user is.
For information about authorization, or access control, see the
[Authorization](https://github.com/riverrun/phauxth/wiki/Authorization) page
in the wiki.
If you have set up your app using the [Phauxth installer](https://github.com/riverrun/phauxth_installer),
the `authorize.ex` file in the controllers directory provides examples
of functions you can use to authorize users' access to resources.
## Example apps using Phauxth
* [A basic example](https://github.com/riverrun/phauxth-example) of using
Phauxth with email confirmation.
* [An example api](https://github.com/riverrun/phoenix-todoapp) using Phauxth.
## Contributing
There are many ways you can contribute to the development of Phauxth, including:
* reporting issues
* improving documentation
* sharing your experiences with others
* [making a financial contribution](#donations)
## Donations
First of all, I would like to emphasize that this software is offered
free of charge. However, if you find it useful, and you would like to
buy me a cup of coffee, you can do so at [paypal](https://www.paypal.me/alovedalongthe).
### Documentation
### License