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> Peace of mind from prototype to production.

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## Getting started

See the official site at

Install the latest version of Phoenix by following the instructions at

## Documentation

API documentation is available at [](

Phoenix.js documentation is available at [](

## Contributing

We appreciate any contribution to Phoenix. Check our []( and []( guides for more information. We usually keep a list of features and bugs in the [issue tracker][4].

### Generating a Phoenix project from unreleased versions

You can create a new project using the latest Phoenix source installer (the `` Mix task) with the following steps:

1. Remove any previously installed `phx_new` archives so that Mix will pick up the local source code. This can be done with `mix archive.uninstall phx_new` or by simply deleting the file, which is usually in `~/.mix/archives/`.
2. Copy this repo via `git clone` or by downloading it
3. Run the `` Mix task from within the `installer` directory, for example:

$ cd phoenix/installer
$ mix dev_app --dev

The `--dev` flag will configure your new project's `:phoenix` dep as a relative path dependency, pointing to your local Phoenix checkout:

defp deps do
  [{:phoenix, path: "../..", override: true},

To create projects outside of the `installer/` directory, add the latest archive to your machine by following the instructions in [installer/](

To build the documentation from source:

$ npm install --prefix assets
$ MIX_ENV=docs mix docs

To build Phoenix from source:

$ mix deps.get
$ mix compile

To build the Phoenix installer from source:

$ mix deps.get
$ mix compile
$ mix

### Building phoenix.js

$ cd assets
$ npm install

## Important links

* [#elixir][1] on [Libera][2] IRC
* [elixir-lang Slack channel][3]
* [Issue tracker][4]
* [Phoenix Forum (questions)][5]
* [phoenix-core Mailing list (development)][6]
* Visit Phoenix's sponsor, DockYard, for expert [phoenix consulting](
* Privately disclose security vulnerabilities to


## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2014, Chris McCord.

Phoenix source code is licensed under the [MIT License](