defmodule PhoenixApiToolkit.CacheBodyReader do
@moduledoc """
Store the raw body for verification purposes.
Use as `Plug.Parsers` :body_reader option in endpoint pipeline.
After: [](
@doc """
Read the request body and cache the raw version in the conn. The raw version
can be accessed with `get_raw_request_body/1`.
## Examples
use Plug.Test
import PhoenixApiToolkit.CacheBodyReader
import PhoenixApiToolkit.TestHelpers
# the body is read and cached
iex> {:ok, raw_body, conn} = conn(:get, "/hello") |> put_raw_body("some rawness") |> cache_and_read_body()
iex> raw_body
"some rawness"
iex> conn.assigns[:raw_body]
["some rawness"]
# Plug.Conn.read_body/2 is used in the background, opts and responses responses are passed through
iex> result = conn(:get, "/hello") |> put_raw_body("some rawness") |> cache_and_read_body(length: 1)
iex> result |> elem(0)
@spec cache_and_read_body(Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, binary, Plug.Conn.t()} | {:more, binary, Plug.Conn.t()} | {:error, term}
def cache_and_read_body(conn, opts \\ []) do
case Plug.Conn.read_body(conn, opts) do
{:ok, body, conn} ->
conn = update_in(conn.assigns[:raw_body], &[body | &1 || []])
{:ok, body, conn}
other ->
@doc """
Return the raw request body, after it is cached in the conn by `cache_and_read_body/2`.
Note that the raw request body is not a string!
## Examples
use Plug.Test
import PhoenixApiToolkit.CacheBodyReader
import PhoenixApiToolkit.TestHelpers
iex> {:ok, _, conn} = conn(:get, "/hello") |> put_raw_body("the rawness") |> cache_and_read_body()
iex> raw_body = conn |> get_raw_request_body()
["the rawness"]
iex> is_binary(raw_body)
iex> to_string(raw_body)
"the rawness"
@spec get_raw_request_body(Plug.Conn.t()) :: binary | nil
def get_raw_request_body(conn) do