# PhoenixApiVersions
> ### Move your API forward. Support legacy versions with ease.
> PhoenixApiVersions helps Phoenix JSON API apps support legacy versions while minimizing maintenance overhead.
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## Documentation
API documentation is available at [https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_api_versions](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_api_versions)
## How Does It Work?
### It's A JSON Translation Layer
PhoenixApiVersions simply does the following:
1. Modifies incoming JSON before it reaches the controller
2. Modifies outgoing JSON right before sending the response
### Versions Are Defined In Layers
| |
| v3 |
| (current) |
| |
| ▲ |
------|------ <-- v2/v3 translation layer
| ▼ |
| |
| v2 |
| |
| ▲ |
------|------ <-- v1/v2 translation layer
| ▼ |
| |
| v1 |
| |
Each legacy version is responsible for transforming JSON to and from the shape expected/returned by the next version. **Apart from bug fixes, developers will only have to maintain middleware from the last version.**
Assume an API whose **current version is v3**.
- v1 middleware transforms incoming JSON to the shape that v2 expects.
- v2 middleware transforms incoming JSON to the shape that v3 expects.
The request reaches the controller in the shape of the current version. The controller and view respond with "v3 JSON".
- v2 middleware transforms outgoing v3 JSON to the shape that v2 should return.
- v1 middleware then transforms the v2 JSON to the shape that v1 should return.
Once v4 comes out, developers will simply build the transformation layer for v3-to-v4 (and back).
### Supports Any Versioning Mechanism
The version can be specified in any way:
- URL (`/api/v1/...`)
- Accept header (`Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.json`)
- Custom header (`X-Api-Version: 2016-01-20`)
- Anything else in `conn`
### Benefits
#### ✅ Limits Legacy Code
PhoenixApiVersions only allows developers to define old versions by **transforming JSON**.
It assumes that these JSON-transforming middleware functions will not perform database calls or heavy computation. (Although this is not completely prohibited.)
#### ✅ Flexible
If your application has one or two legacy API endpoints that simply need to be handled differently, that's completely posslble.
#### ✅ Ensure Consistent Business Rules Across API Versions
Every version of a given API endpoint will reach the same controller function, making it much less likely that subtle differences between business rules will crystallize over time.
## Installation
### Add PhoenixApiVersions To `web.ex`
In the Phoenix `web.ex` file for your JSON API, add the plug to the `controller` section, and `use` the PhoenixApiVersions view macro in the `view` section.
Optionally, you may want to add a `render("404.json", _)` function in the `view` section, which can be used later if you don't already have a mechanism for handling 404's.
# web.ex
def controller do
quote do
plug PhoenixApiVersions.Plug
def view do
quote do
use PhoenixApiVersions.View
# Optional; recommended if you have no other way to handle 404's yet
def render("404.json", _) do
%{error: "not_found"}
### Create an ApiVersions Module
We suggest calling this `ApiVersions`, namespaced inside your phoenix application's main namespace. (e.g. `MyApp.ApiVersions`) Make sure to `use PhoenixApiVersions` in this module.
The module must implement the `PhoenixApiVersions` behaviour, which includes `version_not_found/1`, `version_name/1`, and `versions/0`.
#### Example
# lib/my_app_web/api_versions/api_versions.ex
defmodule MyApp.ApiVersions do
use PhoenixApiVersions
alias PhoenixApiVersions.Version
alias MyApp.ApiVersions.V1
alias Plug.Conn
alias Phoenix.Controller
def version_not_found(conn) do
|> Conn.put_status(:not_found)
|> Controller.render("404.json", %{})
def version_name(conn) do
Map.get(conn.path_params, "api_version")
def versions do
name: "v1",
changes: [
name: "v2",
changes: []
### Add ApiVersions Module in `config.exs`
Reference this module in your Phoenix application's `config.exs` as such:
config :phoenix_api_versions, versions: MyApp.ApiVersions
### Add Change Modules
Change modules are only used when the current route is found in `routes/1`.
#### Example
Assume your project has a concept of `devices`, each with a `name` property. In version `v2`, you want to change `name` to `description`.
Simply change all your code (and the database field) to `description`. Then, implement a change like this:
# lib/my_app_web/api_versions/v1/change_name_to_description.ex
defmodule MyApp.ApiVersions.V1.ChangeNameToDescription do
use PhoenixApiVersions.Change
alias MyApp.Api.DeviceController
def routes do
{DeviceController, :show},
{DeviceController, :create},
{DeviceController, :update},
{DeviceController, :index}
def transform_request_body_params(%{"name" => _} = params, DeviceController, action)
when action in [:create, :update] do
|> Map.put("description", params["name"])
|> Map.drop(["name"])
def transform_response(%{data: device} = output, DeviceController, action)
when action in [:create, :update, :show] do
|> Map.put(:data, device_output_to_v1(device))
def transform_response(%{data: devices} = output, DeviceController, :index) do
devices = Enum.map(devices, &device_output_to_v1/1)
|> Map.put(:data, devices)
defp device_output_to_v1(device) do
|> Map.put(:name, device.description)
|> Map.drop([:description])
As a result, `v1` API endpoints will accept and return the field as `name`, while `v2` API endpoints will accept and return is as `description`.
## Credits
The inspiration for this library came from two sources:
- Stripe's API versioning scheme [revealed in this blog](https://stripe.com/blog/api-versioning).
- [This Hacker News comment](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16445698) by [bringtheaction](https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=bringtheaction) which references an idea from a [Rich Hickey talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyLBGkS5ICk) about "maintaining old versions not by backporting bug fixes but instead by rewriting the old version to be a thin layer that gives you the interface of the old version upon the code of the new version."
## License
This software is licensed under [the MIT license](LICENSE.md).