# PhoenixDDoS
High performance application-layer DDoS protection for Elixir Phoenix.
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# Table of contents
How it works (you defined rules and list, it can put in jail or just block if it reach any threshold)
Telemetry events (@see module PhoenixDDoS.Telemetry)
Notification to sentry
Local tests
DDoS youself using siege (mix phoenix_ddos.attack_myself)
Next in roadmap
# Features
protection: ip safelist_ips
protection: ip blocklist_ips
protection: `PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimit`
protection: `PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimitPerRequestPath`
protection: log flooding
engine: jail system
monitoring: telemetry
monitoring: sentry
local tools: ddos youself testing
# Usage
<!-- MDOC -->
`phoenix_ddos` is a high perContact / Supportformance application-layer DDoS protection for Elixir Phoenix.
## Installation
1. Add `:phoenix_ddos` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:phoenix_ddos, "~> 0.7"},
# Highly recommended, this will makes sure we get the correct remote_ip
{:remote_ip, "~> 1.1"}
2. Add the `PhoenixDDoS` plug to your app's Endpoint, after the excellent [RemoteIp][remote_ip_github] plug (optional but highly recommended !).
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
# put as high in the order as possible
plug RemoteIp
plug PhoenixDDoS
# ...
## Configuration
config :phoenix_ddos,
safelist_ips: ["", ""],
blocklist_ips: [""],
protections: [
# ip rate limit
{PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimit, allowed: 500, period: {2, :minutes}},
{PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimit, allowed: 10_000, period: {1, :hour}},
# ip rate limit on specific request_path
request_paths: ["/graphql"], allowed: 20, period: {1, :minute}}
| Type | Option | Default | Description |
| :--- | :------------------------ | :------ | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| bool | `enabled` | true | set false to disable |
| int | `jail_time` (minutes) | 15 | time an ip is fully blocked if caught by a protection. set nil to disable thus blocking instead |
| bool | `raise_on_reject` | false | raise when we reject a connexion instead of returning an http code error |
| int | `http_code_on_reject` | 429 | http code returned when we reject a connexion |
| list | `protections` | | @see Protections |
| list | `safelist_ips` | | bypass all protections ips |
| list | `blocklist_ips` | | always blocked ips |
| bool | `on_jail_alert_to_sentry` | false | notify slack when an ip get jailed |
### Examples with `PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimit`
1. 500 per minute max, if triggered ip will be in jail for 15 minutes
[{PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimit, allowed: 500, period: {1, :minute}}]
2. disable jail, ip will only be throttle to 500 per minute
[{PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimit, allowed: 500, period: {1, :minute}, jail_time: nil}]
### Examples with `PhoenixDDoS.IpRateLimitPerRequestPath`
1. single route
request_paths: ["/graphql"], allowed: 20, period: {1, :minute}}]
2. you can also give a phoenix-like path
request_paths: ["/admin/:id/dashboard"], allowed: 20, period: {1, :minute}}]
3. multiple route consumming same quota
request_paths: ["/graphql", "/graphiql"], allowed: 20, shared: true, period: {1, :minute}}]
4. multiple route consumming independant quota
request_paths: ["/graphql", "/graphiql"], allowed: 20, period: {1, :minute}}]
is equivalant to:
request_paths: ["/graphql"], allowed: 20, period: {1, :minute}},
request_paths: ["/graphiql"], allowed: 20, period: {1, :minute}}
[remote_ip_github]: https://github.com/ajvondrak/remote_ip
# Community
Slack: join [elixir-lang](https://elixir-lang.slack.com/) and join channel `#phoenix_ddos`
## Next in roadmap
- ip blocklist/safelist with mask/subnet
- log central to avoid log spam and provide aggregated report
- more performances