# Phoenix Feathers
> This project is still in early development
A UI component library built for Phoenix LiveView.
## Live Demo
Check it out here: [Phoenix Feathers Demo]({:target="_blank"}
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `phoenix_feathers` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:phoenix_feathers, "~> 1.1.0-alpha"}
In the root of your Phoenix project run:
$ mix phx.feathers --styles
This will create the file `./assets/css/phoenix_feathers.scss` with a base set of styles for this components library. The styles are meant to extend the default css generated for a phoenix project, so add the following import to your project's `./assets/css/app.scss` file after `phoenix.css`.
@import './phoenix.css';
@import './phoenix_feathers.scss';
## Mix tasks
$ mix phx.feathers --help