# PhoenixFormAwesomplete

PhoenixFormAwesomplete is a [Phoenix form helper]( that utilizes Lea Verou's autocomplete / autosuggest / typeahead / inputsearch [Awesomplete widget](

It comes with an AwesompleteUtil [javascript library]( which adds the following features:

- Dynamic remote data loading; based on what is typed-in it performs an ajax lookup.
- Allow HTML markup in the shown items. Show value with description. Optionally search in the description text.
- Show when there is an exact match.
- Show when there isn't a match.
- When there is an exact match show related data (supplied in the remote data) in other parts of the page.
- Select the highlighted item when tab key is used.

## Examples

[live examples]( with code.

## Installation

In your Phoenix project:

### Add dependency

[available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `phoenix_form_awesomplete` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:phoenix_form_awesomplete, "~> 0.1"}]

  2. Ensure `phoenix_form_awesomplete` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:phoenix_form_awesomplete]]

### Download & compile

mix deps.get
mix compile

### Add in web

Open web/web.ex, in the 'view' function below the other import statements add:
# Awesomplete autocomplete widget
import PhoenixFormAwesomplete

In web/templates/layout/app.html.eex, add:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
  div.awesomplete {display: block}

  div.awesomplete ul li p {display: block; font-size: small; margin-left: 1em}

  div.awesomplete .awe-found {border: 2px solid green}
  .hide-not-found div.awesomplete .awe-not-found {border-color: lightblue}
  div.awesomplete .awe-not-found {border: 2px solid red}

The awesomplete.css and awesomplete.min.js files are copied from [Awesomplete]( and tested in combination with AwesompleteUtil. I recommend to make your own copies of these files. If you put them on they will be served by [Fastly CDN]( Do not forget to also copy the javascript sourcemaps ([]( and [](

Customize the above styling for your own needs. The CSS class 'awe-found' is put on the input control when the input exactly matches the value of an list item. The CSS class 'awe-not-found' is put on the input control when the list closes because there are no more matching items.

### Use in your EEx template


<div class="form-group row">
  <%= label(:user, :country, "Country", class: "control-label col-sm-2") %>
  <div class="col-sm-10">
      <%= awesomplete(:user, :country, 
                      [class: "form-control"], 
                      [ url: "", 
                        loadall: true, 
                        prepop: true,
                        minChars: 1, 
                        maxItems: 8, 
                        value: "name"
                      ]) %>

## License