
# This module does not have a dependency with phoenix_html. 
# It doesn't have any dependency.
defmodule PhoenixFormAwesomplete.GenJS do

  @moduledoc ~S"""

  Generate the javascript code for PhoenixFormAwesomplete.

  ## Example

      iex> PhoenixFormAwesomplete.GenJS.awesomplete_js("user_drinks", %{ minChars: 1, prepop: true } )
      "AwesompleteUtil.start('#user_drinks', {prepop: true}, {minChars: 1});"


  # @util & @awe refer to the default javascript libraries.
  @util Application.compile_env(:phoenix_form_awesomplete, :util) || "AwesompleteUtil"
  @awe  Application.compile_env(:phoenix_form_awesomplete, :awesomplete) || "Awesomplete"

  @doc ~S"""
  Create javascript that listens to `awesomplete-prepop` and `awesomplete-match` events,
  and copies the `data_field` to the DOM element with the given target id.
  The `target_id` can also be a javascript function.

  ## Example

      iex> PhoenixFormAwesomplete.GenJS.copy_to_id_js("#user_color", "label", "#awe-color-result") 
      "AwesompleteUtil.startCopy('#user_color', 'label', '#awe-color-result');"

  def copy_to_id_js(source_id, data_field \\ nil, target_id) 
      when (is_nil(data_field) or is_binary(data_field)) and is_binary(target_id) do
    # In Javascript strings must be quoted, but functions not. 
    # Assume it is a function if it starts with an alfanumeric characters and doesn't contain space
    # or it can be an inlined function or it can be a function-name with bind
    is_function = String.contains?(target_id, "{") || target_id =~ ~r/^\w[^\s]*$/
    target = if is_function, do: target_id, else: "'#{target_id}'"
    "#{@util}.startCopy('#{source_id}', '#{data_field}', #{target});"

  # Converts map with options to a comma separated string with key:value pairs..
  defp opts_to_string(opts) do
     |> Enum.map_join(", ", fn{k, v} -> "#{k}: #{v}" end)

  # convert string to integer
  defp to_integer!(val) when is_nil(val) or is_integer(val), do: val
  defp to_integer!(val) when is_binary(val), do: String.to_integer(val)

  # convert string to boolean
  defp to_bool!(true), do: true
  defp to_bool!("true"), do: true
  defp to_bool!(_), do: false

  # returns filter_opts with added item
  defp add_item(filter_opts, item_fun, starts_with, multiple_char, filter_str, descr_search) do
    cond do
      is_nil(item_fun) and is_nil(multiple_char) and descr_search -> filter_opts ++ [item: "#{@util}.itemMarkAll"]
      is_nil(item_fun) and is_nil(multiple_char) -> filter_opts
      is_nil(item_fun) and descr_search ->  filter_opts ++ [item: "function(text, input) { return #{@util}.itemMarkAll(text, #{filter_str}); }"]
      is_nil(item_fun) and starts_with -> filter_opts ++ [item: "function(text, input) { return #{@util}.itemStartsWith(text, #{filter_str}); }"]
      is_nil(item_fun) ->  filter_opts ++ [item: "function(text, input) { return #{@util}.itemContains(text, #{filter_str}); }"]
      is_nil(multiple_char) -> filter_opts ++ [item: "#{item_fun}"]
      true -> filter_opts ++ [item: "function(text, input) { return (#{item_fun}).call(this, text, #{filter_str}); }"]

    # Be permissive about all kind of parameter combinations, except for these:
  defp parameter_checks(fld_name, label_fld, descr_fld, descr_search) do
    # We could take the default of 'value' for the 'value' parameter (a.k.a. fld_name,) but it's more clear to be explicit.
    if is_nil(fld_name)  and descr_fld != nil, do: raise(ArgumentError, "'descr' without 'value' parameter.")
    if is_nil(fld_name)  and label_fld != nil, do: raise(ArgumentError, "'label' without 'value' parameter.")
    if is_nil(descr_fld) and descr_search, do: raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot search description texts without knowing the description field. Please supply descr parameter.")

    # Determine which characters are used to separate multiple items
    # For example in multiple color selection: red,blue,yellow the multiple_char is the comma
    # Assume space as separator if multiple=true,
  defp construct_multiple_char(multiple) do
    cond do
      is_nil(multiple) or multiple == false -> nil
      multiple == true -> " "
      true -> multiple

  # return list with convertInput function
  defp construct_conv_input_opts(multiple_char, conv_input_fun, conv_input_str) do
    cond do
      is_nil(multiple_char) and is_nil(conv_input_fun) -> [] 
      is_nil(multiple_char) -> [convertInput: conv_input_fun] 
      is_nil(conv_input_fun) -> [convertInput: "function(input) { return #{conv_input_str}.trim().toLowerCase(); }"]
      true -> [convertInput: "function(input) { return (#{conv_input_fun}).call(this, #{conv_input_str}.trim().toLowerCase()); }"]

  # define the replacement text, mainly used in the replace function
  defp construct_assign_replace_text(multiple_char) do
    if is_nil(multiple_char) do
      optional_space = if, 0) == " ", do: "", else: " "
      "this.input.value.match(/^.+[#{multiple_char}]\\s*|/)[0] + text + '" <>, 0) <> optional_space <> "'"

  # return list with replace function
  defp construct_multiple_replace_opts(multiple_char, replace_fun, assign_replace_text) do
    cond do
      is_nil(multiple_char) -> []
      is_nil(replace_fun) -> [replace: "function(data) { var text=data.value; this.input.value = #{assign_replace_text}; }"]
      true -> [replace: "function(data) { var text=data.value; (#{replace_fun}).call(this, #{assign_replace_text}); }"]

  # return javascript code for the result part of the data function
  defp construct_data_fun_result(fld_name, label_fld, descr_fld, descr_search) do
    label_str = 
      if label_fld do
        "(rec['#{label_fld}'] || '').replace('<p>', '<p >')"

    cond do
      is_nil(descr_fld) and is_nil(label_fld) -> "rec['#{fld_name}']"
      is_nil(descr_fld) -> "{ label:#{label_str}, value:rec['#{fld_name}'] }"
      !descr_search -> "{ label: #{label_str}+'<p>'+(rec['#{descr_fld}'] || ''), value: rec['#{fld_name}'] }"
      true          -> "{ label: #{label_str}+'<p>'+(rec['#{descr_fld}'] || ''), value: rec['#{fld_name}']+'|'+(rec['#{descr_fld}'] || '').replace('|', ' ') }"

  # return javascript of all options
  defp construct_awe_script(element_id, util_opts_str, awe_opts_str, assign, combobox) do
    assign_var  = if assign == true  or assign == "true",  do: "awe_#{element_id}", else: "#{assign}" 
    assign_text = if assign == false or assign == "false", do: "", else: "var #{assign_var}=" 

    awe_script = "#{assign_text}#{@util}.start('##{element_id}', #{util_opts_str}, #{awe_opts_str})"

    # id of the combo button. Assume awe_btn_<awesomplete element id> if combobox=true. Or take the combobox supplied value.
    combo_btn_id  = if combobox == true or combobox == "true", do: "awe_btn_#{element_id}", else: "#{combobox}" 

    # awe_script, combobox, assign, combo_btn_id, assign_var
    cond do
       combobox == false or combobox == "false" -> "#{awe_script};"
       assign   == false or assign == "false"   -> "#{@util}.startClick('##{combo_btn_id}', #{awe_script});"
       true -> "#{awe_script};\n#{@util}.startClick('##{combo_btn_id}', #{assign_var});"
  @doc ~S"""
  This method generates javascript code for using Awesomplete(Util).

  ## Example

      iex> PhoenixFormAwesomplete.GenJS.awesomplete_js("user_hobby", %{ minChars: 1 } ) 
      "AwesompleteUtil.start('#user_hobby', {}, {minChars: 1});"

  def awesomplete_js(element_id, awesomplete_opts) do
    awesomplete_opts = Enum.to_list(awesomplete_opts)

      # Some of the options (data, filter, item, replace) are popped to be added later again.
      # Unrecognized options are passed on to Awesomplete.
    {ajax_fun,          awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :ajax)
    {assign,            awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :assign, false)
    {combobox,          awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :combobox, false)
    {conv_input_fun,    awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :convertInput)
    {conv_response_fun, awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :convertResponse)
    {data_fun,          awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :data)
    {debounce,          awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :debounce)
    {descr_fld,         awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :descr)
    {descr_search,      awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :descrSearch, false) 
    {filter_fun,        awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :filter)
    {fld_name,          awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :value)
    {item_fun,          awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :item)
    {label_fld,         awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :label)
    {loadall,           awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :loadall, false)
    {limit,             awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :limit)
    {multiple,          awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :multiple)
    {prepop,            awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :prepop, false)
    {replace_fun,       awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :replace)
    {url,               awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :url)
    {url_end,           awesomplete_opts} = Keyword.pop(awesomplete_opts, :urlEnd)

      # Convert descr_search to boolean
    descr_search = to_bool!(descr_search)
    loadall = to_bool!(loadall)
    prepop = to_bool!(prepop)

    parameter_checks(fld_name, label_fld, descr_fld, descr_search) 

    # generated js code uses @util & @awe but in the input we expect the standard Awesomplete & AwesompleteUtil names.
    starts_with = filter_fun == "Awesomplete.FILTER_STARTSWITH" or filter_fun == "AwesompleteUtil.filterStartsWith"

      # Convert limit and debounce to integer
    limit    = to_integer!(limit)
    debounce = to_integer!(debounce)

    multiple_char = construct_multiple_char(multiple)

      # For multiple items, if the separator is typed, the last field is considered complete. 
      # The separator is included in the search in the filter,
      # and because the items do not contain the separator, the suggestion list will close.
      # However, for the combobox, closing the list and waiting for the first characters is not desirable,
      # because the combo button is there to be able to show all items.
    filter_match_sep = if combobox != "false" and combobox, do: "", else: "([#{multiple_char}]\\s*)?"

      # Select the text that should be considered as the current input.
      # Will be used in the convertInput function and in the filter.
      # For multiple items, only the last item is considered to be input for the suggestion list lookup.
    conv_input_str = 
      if is_nil(multiple_char) do
        "input.replace(/[#{multiple_char}]\\s*$/, '').match(/[^#{multiple_char}]*$/)[0]"

    filter_str =
      if is_nil(multiple_char) do

    # when there is no descr_fld or label_fld we let the data function just return one string instead of a value and label
    data_val =
      if is_nil(fld_name) or (is_nil(descr_fld) and is_nil(label_fld)) do

    starts_with_filter_fun = cond do
      is_nil(descr_fld) and is_nil(label_fld) and filter_fun == "Awesomplete.FILTER_STARTSWITH" -> "#{@awe}.FILTER_STARTSWITH"
      descr_search -> "function(data, input) { return #{@util}.filterStartsWith(data, #{filter_str}) || #{@awe}.FILTER_STARTSWITH(data.value.substring(data.value.lastIndexOf('|')+1), #{filter_str}); }"
      true -> "#{@util}.filterStartsWith"

    filter_opts = cond do
      is_nil(multiple_char) and is_nil(filter_fun) and data_val == "data" -> []
      is_nil(multiple_char) and is_nil(descr_fld) and is_nil(label_fld) and (is_nil(filter_fun) or filter_fun == "Awesomplete.FILTER_CONTAINS") -> []
      is_nil(multiple_char) and (is_nil(filter_fun) or filter_fun == "Awesomplete.FILTER_CONTAINS" or filter_fun == "AwesompleteUtil.filterContains") -> [filter: "#{@util}.filterContains"]
      is_nil(multiple_char) and data_val == "data" -> [filter: filter_fun]
      is_nil(multiple_char) and starts_with and is_nil(item_fun) -> [filter: starts_with_filter_fun , item: "#{@util}.itemStartsWith"]
      is_nil(multiple_char) and starts_with -> [filter: starts_with_filter_fun]
      is_nil(multiple_char) -> [filter: "function(data, input) { return (#{filter_fun})(data.value, input); }"]
      starts_with and descr_search -> [filter: starts_with_filter_fun]
      starts_with -> [filter: "function(data, input) { return #{@awe}.FILTER_STARTSWITH(#{data_val}, #{filter_str}); }"]
      is_nil(filter_fun) -> [filter: "function(data, input) { return #{@awe}.FILTER_CONTAINS(#{data_val}, #{filter_str}); }"]
      true -> [filter: "function(data, input) { return (#{filter_fun}).call(this, #{data_val}, #{filter_str}); }"]
    # add item: in filter_opts
    filter_opts = add_item(filter_opts, item_fun, starts_with, multiple_char, filter_str, descr_search)

    conv_input_opts = construct_conv_input_opts(multiple_char, conv_input_fun, conv_input_str)
    assign_replace_text = construct_assign_replace_text(multiple_char)

    multiple_replace_opts = construct_multiple_replace_opts(multiple_char, replace_fun, assign_replace_text)

    data_fun_result = construct_data_fun_result(fld_name, label_fld, descr_fld, descr_search)

    data_fun_str = 
      if is_nil(data_fun) do
        "function(rec, input) { return #{data_fun_result}; }"
        "function(rec, input) { return (#{data_fun}).call(this, #{data_fun_result}, input); }"

    awesomplete_opts = cond do
      is_nil(fld_name) and is_nil(data_fun) -> awesomplete_opts ++ multiple_replace_opts
      is_nil(fld_name) -> awesomplete_opts ++ [data: data_fun] ++ multiple_replace_opts
      !descr_search ->       awesomplete_opts ++ [data: data_fun_str] ++ multiple_replace_opts
      is_nil(replace_fun) -> awesomplete_opts ++ [data: data_fun_str, replace: "function(data) { var text = data.value.substring(0, data.value.lastIndexOf('|')); this.input.value = #{assign_replace_text}; }"]
      true -> awesomplete_opts ++ [data: data_fun_str, replace: "function(data) { var text = data.value.substring(0, data.value.lastIndexOf('|')); (#{replace_fun}).call(this, #{assign_replace_text}); }"]

    awesomplete_opts = awesomplete_opts ++ filter_opts
    awesomplete_opts = 
      if is_nil(replace_fun) or descr_search or multiple_char != nil do
        awesomplete_opts ++ [replace: replace_fun] 

    util_opts = if is_nil(url), do: [], else: [url: "'#{url}'"] 
    util_opts = if is_nil(url_end),  do: util_opts, else: util_opts ++ [urlEnd: "'#{url_end}'"] 
    util_opts = if is_nil(limit),    do: util_opts, else: util_opts ++ [limit: limit] 
    util_opts = if is_nil(debounce), do: util_opts, else: util_opts ++ [debounce: debounce] 
    util_opts = if is_nil(ajax_fun), do: util_opts, else: util_opts ++ [ajax: ajax_fun] 
    util_opts = if is_nil(conv_response_fun), do: util_opts,  else: util_opts ++ [convertResponse: conv_response_fun] 
    util_opts = if loadall, do: util_opts ++ [loadall: true], else: util_opts 
    util_opts = if prepop,  do: util_opts ++ [prepop: true],  else: util_opts 
    util_opts = util_opts ++ conv_input_opts

    util_opts_str = "{" <> opts_to_string(util_opts) <> "}" 
    awe_opts_str  = "{" <> opts_to_string(awesomplete_opts) <> "}"

    construct_awe_script(element_id, util_opts_str, awe_opts_str, assign, combobox)