# PhoenixFormAwesomplete

[![Hex version]( "Hex version")](
![Hex downloads]( "Hex downloads")

PhoenixFormAwesomplete is a [Phoenix form helper]( that utilizes Lea Verou's autocomplete / autosuggest / typeahead / inputsearch [Awesomplete widget](

It comes with an AwesompleteUtil [javascript library]( which adds the following features:

- Dynamic remote data loading; based on what is typed-in it performs an ajax lookup.
- Allow HTML markup in the shown items. Show value with description. Optionally search in the description text.
- Show when there is an exact match.
- Show when there isn't a match.
- When there is an exact match show related data (supplied in the remote data) in other parts of the page.
- Select the highlighted item when tab key is used.

## Examples

Explore and try these


Fiddle with the code yourself: 

[![Run in Livebook](](

## Installation

[Installation instructions for Phoenix 1.7 and newer](
 integrated with esbuild assets management and using function components for HEEx templates and ~H sigils.

## License