defmodule Phoenix.HTML do
@moduledoc """
Building blocks for working with HTML in Phoenix.
This library provides three main functionalities:
* HTML safety
* Form abstractions
* A tiny JavaScript library to enhance applications
## HTML safety
One of the main responsibilities of this package is to
provide convenience functions for escaping and marking
HTML code as safe.
By default, data output in templates is not considered
<%= "<hello>" %>
will be shown as:
User data or data coming from the database is almost never
considered safe. However, in some cases, you may want to tag
it as safe and show its "raw" contents:
<%= raw "<hello>" %>
## Form handling
See `Phoenix.HTML.Form`.
## JavaScript library
This project ships with a tiny bit of JavaScript that listens
to all click events to:
* Support `data-confirm="message"` attributes, which shows
a confirmation modal with the given message
* Support `data-method="patch|post|put|delete"` attributes,
which sends the current click as a PATCH/POST/PUT/DELETE
HTTP request. You will need to add `data-to` with the URL
and `data-csrf` with the CSRF token value
* Dispatch a "" event. You can listen to this
event to customize the behaviour above. Returning false from
this event will disable `data-method`. Stopping propagation
will disable `data-confirm`
To use the functionality above, you must load `priv/static/phoenix_html.js`
into your build tool.
### Overriding the default confirmation behaviour
You can override the default implementation by hooking
into ``. Here is an example:
window.addEventListener('', function (e) {
// Introduce custom behaviour
var message ="data-prompt");
var answer ="data-prompt-answer");
if(message && answer && (answer != window.prompt(message))) {
}, false);
@doc false
defmacro __using__(_) do
raise """
use Phoenix.HTML is no longer supported in v4.0.
To keep compatibility with previous versions, \
add {:phoenix_html_helpers, "~> 1.0"} to your mix.exs deps
and then, instead of "use Phoenix.HTML", you might:
import Phoenix.HTML
import Phoenix.HTML.Form
use PhoenixHTMLHelpers
@typedoc "Guaranteed to be safe"
@type safe :: {:safe, iodata}
@typedoc "May be safe or unsafe (i.e. it needs to be converted)"
@type unsafe :: Phoenix.HTML.Safe.t()
@doc """
Marks the given content as raw.
This means any HTML code inside the given
string won't be escaped.
iex> raw("<hello>")
{:safe, "<hello>"}
iex> raw({:safe, "<hello>"})
{:safe, "<hello>"}
iex> raw(nil)
{:safe, ""}
@spec raw(iodata | safe | nil) :: safe
def raw({:safe, value}), do: {:safe, value}
def raw(nil), do: {:safe, ""}
def raw(value) when is_binary(value) or is_list(value), do: {:safe, value}
@doc """
Escapes the HTML entities in the given term, returning safe iodata.
iex> html_escape("<hello>")
{:safe, [[[] | "<"], "hello" | ">"]}
iex> html_escape('<hello>')
{:safe, ["<", 104, 101, 108, 108, 111, ">"]}
iex> html_escape(1)
{:safe, "1"}
iex> html_escape({:safe, "<hello>"})
{:safe, "<hello>"}
@spec html_escape(unsafe) :: safe
def html_escape({:safe, _} = safe), do: safe
def html_escape(other), do: {:safe, Phoenix.HTML.Engine.encode_to_iodata!(other)}
@doc """
Converts a safe result into a string.
Fails if the result is not safe. In such cases, you can
invoke `html_escape/1` or `raw/1` accordingly before.
You can combine `html_escape/1` and `safe_to_string/1`
to convert a data structure to a escaped string:
data |> html_escape() |> safe_to_string()
@spec safe_to_string(safe) :: String.t()
def safe_to_string({:safe, iodata}) do
@doc ~S"""
Escapes an enumerable of attributes, returning iodata.
The attributes are rendered in the given order. Note if
a map is given, the key ordering is not guaranteed.
The keys and values can be of any shape, as long as they
implement the `Phoenix.HTML.Safe` protocol. In addition,
if the key is an atom, it will be "dasherized". In other
words, `:phx_value_id` will be converted to `phx-value-id`.
Furthermore, the following attributes provide behaviour:
* `:aria`, `:data`, and `:phx` - they accept a keyword list as
value. `data: [confirm: "are you sure?"]` is converted to
`data-confirm="are you sure?"`.
* `:class` - it accepts a list of classes as argument. Each
element in the list is separated by space. `nil` and `false`
elements are discarded. `class: ["foo", nil, "bar"]` then
becomes `class="foo bar"`.
* `:id` - it is validated raise if a number is given as ID,
which is not allowed by the HTML spec and leads to unpredictable
## Examples
iex> safe_to_string attributes_escape(title: "the title", id: "the id", selected: true)
" title=\"the title\" id=\"the id\" selected"
iex> safe_to_string attributes_escape(%{data: [confirm: "Are you sure?"]})
" data-confirm=\"Are you sure?\""
iex> safe_to_string attributes_escape(%{phx: [value: [foo: "bar"]]})
" phx-value-foo=\"bar\""
def attributes_escape(attrs) when is_list(attrs) do
{:safe, build_attrs(attrs)}
def attributes_escape(attrs) do
{:safe, attrs |> Enum.to_list() |> build_attrs()}
defp build_attrs([{k, true} | t]),
do: [?\s, key_escape(k) | build_attrs(t)]
defp build_attrs([{_, false} | t]),
do: build_attrs(t)
defp build_attrs([{_, nil} | t]),
do: build_attrs(t)
defp build_attrs([{:id, v} | t]),
do: [" id=\"", id_value(v), ?" | build_attrs(t)]
defp build_attrs([{:class, v} | t]),
do: [" class=\"", class_value(v), ?" | build_attrs(t)]
defp build_attrs([{:aria, v} | t]) when is_list(v),
do: nested_attrs(v, " aria", t)
defp build_attrs([{:data, v} | t]) when is_list(v),
do: nested_attrs(v, " data", t)
defp build_attrs([{:phx, v} | t]) when is_list(v),
do: nested_attrs(v, " phx", t)
defp build_attrs([{"id", v} | t]),
do: [" id=\"", id_value(v), ?" | build_attrs(t)]
defp build_attrs([{"class", v} | t]),
do: [" class=\"", class_value(v), ?" | build_attrs(t)]
defp build_attrs([{"aria", v} | t]) when is_list(v),
do: nested_attrs(v, " aria", t)
defp build_attrs([{"data", v} | t]) when is_list(v),
do: nested_attrs(v, " data", t)
defp build_attrs([{"phx", v} | t]) when is_list(v),
do: nested_attrs(v, " phx", t)
defp build_attrs([{k, v} | t]),
do: [?\s, key_escape(k), ?=, ?", attr_escape(v), ?" | build_attrs(t)]
defp build_attrs([]), do: []
defp nested_attrs([{k, true} | kv], attr, t),
do: [attr, ?-, key_escape(k) | nested_attrs(kv, attr, t)]
defp nested_attrs([{_, falsy} | kv], attr, t) when falsy in [false, nil],
do: nested_attrs(kv, attr, t)
defp nested_attrs([{k, v} | kv], attr, t) when is_list(v),
do: [nested_attrs(v, "#{attr}-#{key_escape(k)}", []) | nested_attrs(kv, attr, t)]
defp nested_attrs([{k, v} | kv], attr, t),
do: [attr, ?-, key_escape(k), ?=, ?", attr_escape(v), ?" | nested_attrs(kv, attr, t)]
defp nested_attrs([], _attr, t),
do: build_attrs(t)
defp id_value(value) when is_number(value) do
raise ArgumentError,
"attempting to set id attribute to #{value}, " <>
"but setting the DOM ID to a number can lead to unpredictable behaviour. " <>
"Instead consider prefixing the id with a string, such as \"user-#{value}\" or similar"
defp id_value(value) do
defp class_value(value) when is_list(value) do
|> list_class_value()
|> attr_escape()
defp class_value(value) do
defp list_class_value(value) do
|> Enum.flat_map(fn
nil -> []
false -> []
inner when is_list(inner) -> [list_class_value(inner)]
other -> [other]
|> Enum.join(" ")
defp key_escape(value) when is_atom(value), do: String.replace(Atom.to_string(value), "_", "-")
defp key_escape(value), do: attr_escape(value)
defp attr_escape({:safe, data}), do: data
defp attr_escape(nil), do: []
defp attr_escape(other) when is_binary(other), do: Phoenix.HTML.Engine.html_escape(other)
defp attr_escape(other), do: Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata(other)
@doc """
Escapes HTML content to be inserted a JavaScript string.
This function is useful in JavaScript responses when there is a need
to escape HTML rendered from other templates, like in the following:
$("#container").append("<%= javascript_escape(render("post.html", post: @post)) %>");
It escapes quotes (double and single), double backslashes and others.
@spec javascript_escape(binary) :: binary
@spec javascript_escape(safe) :: safe
def javascript_escape({:safe, data}),
do: {:safe, data |> IO.iodata_to_binary() |> javascript_escape("")}
def javascript_escape(data) when is_binary(data),
do: javascript_escape(data, "")
defp javascript_escape(<<0x2028::utf8, t::binary>>, acc),
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, "\\u2028">>)
defp javascript_escape(<<0x2029::utf8, t::binary>>, acc),
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, "\\u2029">>)
defp javascript_escape(<<0::utf8, t::binary>>, acc),
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, "\\u0000">>)
defp javascript_escape(<<"</", t::binary>>, acc),
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, ?<, ?\\, ?/>>)
defp javascript_escape(<<"\r\n", t::binary>>, acc),
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, ?\\, ?n>>)
defp javascript_escape(<<h, t::binary>>, acc) when h in [?", ?', ?\\, ?`],
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, ?\\, h>>)
defp javascript_escape(<<h, t::binary>>, acc) when h in [?\r, ?\n],
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, ?\\, ?n>>)
defp javascript_escape(<<h, t::binary>>, acc),
do: javascript_escape(t, <<acc::binary, h>>)
defp javascript_escape(<<>>, acc), do: acc